Something Real With You.

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She watched helplessly as the jock cried taking big gulps of beer from the beer bottle that he was illegally drinking.

"Jonas.." She mumbled and he sniffled before wiping some of the snot that was dripping from his nose from crying with his arm and letting out a shaky breath as he looked at the pavement outside of the house he had been partying in a little while before.

You see, Heather was taking a walk in the middle of the night to calm her down giving her a break from her studying for that Spanish 1 test she would have to take soon. As she was walking she found Jonas whom she had been surprisingly becoming close to.

Let me explain. Heather was a quiet student, not popular at all. She had no friends at school. Well, before Jonas started teasing her and sitting next to her at lunch. He would always make funny faces while she ate trying to either make her laugh or choke. Whatever his intent was she had a friend now. Heather wasn't popular because of her beliefs. She was a Christian and she wouldn't stand for sin. She was definitely with God. Not against him. That's why everyone shunned her making her the outcast because she always prayed before lunch and brought up God in most of her classes.

But for some reason Jonas made a friend of her, The jock of the school who had a gorgeous girlfriend and plenty of guy friends become friends with her. He spent a lot more time with her at school than anybody else. Though they usually never talked outside of school this time they did. Because Heather found Jonas crying in the driveway of an expensive home. Probably one of his guy friends home.

"Jonas?" Heather asked when she found him getting him to look up at her with his stunning blue eyes that were clearly blue. They were striking and stood out like a deep ocean blue. Heather often found herself starring at them whenever he spoke to her. But tonight they were glossy from alcohol and filled with tears. Totally ruined it but Heather was more concerned for him than his eyes.

She walked up the driveway as Jonas did nothing to hide his state of tears and drunkenness. Heather couldn't scowl at him, she'd known falling into sin before. And he wasn't a Christian so there were no standards for him to follow as she did.

Heather knelt down in front of him and put a hand on his knee as he leaned up against the back wheel of his truck. She just sat there and looked at him as he tried to clean his face up a little of snot.

"Are you ok?" She asked once he had finished and he just looked down to the cement driveway as if in shame. He cleared his throat and rubbed his forehead still keeping his eyes on the ground.

Heather just waited, she knew it would be had for him to open up to her. She knew guys were secretive. She also knew that Jonas had never told her anything that secret before. Sure I stole my older brother's socks once. But that wasn't a real deep secret.

"Heather... I have no friends." He mumbled and Heather raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What to you mean Jo? You have a ton of fr-"

"THEY'RE NOT REAL!" He exclaimed looking her dead in the eyes her pulse spiking at the surprise of him yelling at her. He looked down seeing her fear and sighed his chest rising up and down slowly with each labored breath he took.

"They're not... They were never my friends..." He trailed off and Heather sighed as she watched him waiting for him to explain. Whatever he meant by that.

"They're bought, they come when you're either rich or popular, and my girlfriend..." He lightly chuckled before wiping away a few tears. "She's been cheating on me for months now. I knew she had been but I just let it go. I wasn't that invested into her anyways. I had never been too physical with her... So it doesn't hurt that bad." He spoke as he wiped away tears his face all red from crying his eyes red and puffy.

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