Anna Suo

27 1 12

ok, lets see..
Name: Anna Suo
Ooo very creative, 10/10
Age: 14
...ok i have a thing about teenage ocs especially if they have edge that is over 9000, 5/10
Gender: female
K 10/10 (why i ask for gender idk because i really dont care lol)
Sexuality: straight
K 10/10 (same as gender idc really)
Race: fallen angel/ human
...WaT *triggered* jusT be A FaLLen angeL Or HUman, 4/10
Power: can sprout black wings
... if your gonna have wings on an oc have them permanent or not at all 4/10
Weapon: syringes
Noice, 9/10
Weaknesses: split personality, being alone/ betrayed emotional abuse
Ok as long as the split personality is rare then ok, my oc has the second problem but it doesnt effect them too much so i'll let you slide, 7/10
Strengths: cant feel physical pain, agile, hard to read
Ok.. 7/10
Appearance: clothes: long purple short sleeved shirt, black shorts, dark purple wedged boots. Hair: white/silver long messy hair. Eyes: one pale grey eye, one red cat like demon eye with cracks coming from the red part of the eye and around the eye itself, demon eye covered by bandages, dark circles under each eye, cries black tears out of demon eyes, dark cracks along neck, arms, back and neck, all coverd by bandages.
You ma'am, are an edge lord, 4/10
Personality: shy girl, cold and calculating, if you are nice to her she will look up to you and will feel indebted to the person, if she feels threatened she will let her "demon side" out, insecure, almost depressed, especially when family, home and friends are brought up.
..such sed many cri, 6/10
love interest: a boy named val that she met after a bully shoved her down and he helped her up immediately calming her down and stopping her demon side from coming out.
Daw, 8/10
Backstory: *2 sed 4 wattpad*
Overall i give this oc a... 5/10, woa der, it is a borderline mary sue, but you can fix it, i believe in you ^-^

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