Letter about Stories

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Truly powerful stories will leave you breathless. You may be smiling like an idiot or crying like a baby. You may be also doing both at the same time. The sure thing is that the emotions these stories evoke within your are deep and stay for a long time. In words of J.K. Rowling; "The stories we love best do live in us forever."

You might have had this experience with a song. I certainly had it with a movie, a book and even a computer game. Yes, a computer game. I always thought that powerful story builds all these emotions within you while you are experiencing it. You have to be actively reading the book to really fully get the emotion. But I recently changed my mind. I believe that stories that really make difference in your life leave those feelings deeply within you.

Those feelings cannot be simply recalled any time you wish to. Neither do I think you would want to. The most emotional moments of "my stories" I remember are not really happy. They are sad moments. Well, they are both. Do you remember that one final moment in the Harry Potter book? "After all this time? Always."I was recently looking at some Harry Potter tattoo inspirations on Pinterest. When looking at the images of the Deadly Hallows symbol the same feeling I had while reading the book came again. It was sad, it was happy but it was surely very powerful.

Everyone has these stories. They are important to your life and to who you are. If you don't have them yet it's the highest time to get out and find time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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