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Before u guys get to know what happens next gotta tell u this , yup we reached 1k reads so 🙌 yup I'm dancing now , yup while writing this ,(its weird I know 😜) so thank u guys for ur support and wish u guys stay for more !

Now to the date thing

( Rokuro gets confused and thinks bout Benio all night so doesnt sleep all night and Benio does the same thing too so both get up all sleep and realize that they are too late to go to high school and decide not to go .)

Rokuro: aww shit !😰

Benio: what !😕

Rokuro: I had to submit my assignment today !😿

Benio: me too!😨

Rokuro: 😅

Benio: what ! What is it ?

Rokuro: nothing

Benio: should we go after the recess ?

Rokuro: idk ? Maybe we should ? Maybe let's just get some rest today !

Benio: yeah maybe !

Rokuro: am gonna go get some more sleep !

Benio: 😒 what ! Why ? You should be training or studying Rokuro ! Instead ur gonna sleep .... Idiot.

Rokuro: 😰 ... Hey I didn't sleep all night cuz of u and now if am trying to ....... 🙇

Benio: u didn't sleep too ! Wait cuz of me ! ......... We..were u ..... Thinking .....about ?

Rokuro: 😧 .......yeah....I mean NO ! Why would u think that..... Wait u didn't sleep too .. Were u ?...

Benio: 😨 no ....... Am gonna go practice those new moves ! Bye !

Rokuro: yeah! I'll watch... I mean help u .. With those moves!

Benio: 😳 OK !

( both startle each other and then to avoid start training ... Then have ohagi n curry for lunch .
Rokuro goes back to his room to study whereas Benio goes out for a jog .)

( Benio stops by the park returning home . she sees a unoccupied swing and sits there.)

Benio: was he thinking bout me ? He did ask me for going to the carnival with him tho ...... Should I ?
Maybe I should ..... No maybe no .... Or should I ? .
.. Why is this so confusing !

(She sits there for a while and then returns home.)

Rokuro: hey ur back ! Want some tea ?

Benio: (he's acting weird ....) Ya sure !

Rokuro: here's ur tea .. I'll be in my room if u need me ! Gotta write that remaining homework !

Benio: hmm..ok (I think he forgot bout the carnival I guess or he isn't gonna go cuz of me .)

(Benio goes back to her room .)

(A few minutes later Rokuro comes down and turns on the TV .)

Benio: Rokuro ?

( Rokuro turns back and sees Benio in a beautiful violet kimono )

Rokuro: ? .....ur looking beautiful.... I mean ...... Wow !

Benio: hey why aren't u ready ? Don't u wanna go to the carnival ?

Rokuro: but u I thought u didn't wanna go ! So .....

Benio: no .... I mean ..... I gave it a thought ... And maybe we should get some rest and enjoy ourselves right !

Rokuro: umm OK gimme a min I'll be back !

(Rokuro dresses up and both go for the carnival .)

Well that's it for today n stay tuned for the actual date so yeah the 3 part chapter finally ends !

Stay tuned and stay awzm ! Brofist !👊


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