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"Wake up Ki, we get to go home today" I said while running circles with my thumb on his broken hand.

He opened his eyes and sighed.

"Thank fuck!" He said and smiled.

"You'll basically be doing just the same as what your doing here" I said.

"What? Why?" He said and pouted.

"Um I don't know maybe because you have a head injury that could make u dizzy every time you stand up, maybe 'cause of your broken rib, broken arm and broken hand. Oh, and your fractured knee as well. Do I need any other reasons?"

"No I guess not. At least at home were alone. " He said and smirked.

"That is true, I've missed your kisses". I said.

"Let's get out of here" He said with a smirk.


I wheeled him in his wheelchair inside and shut the door. Kian started grabbing at his shirt, trying to take it off but kept wincing at the pain. I got him up and he walked to the couch with the support of me and the crutches.

"Kian, I think we have to take this slow."

"Fuck that I haven't had you in a week and a bit. I don't care how much it hurts me. " He said still trying to take off his shirt.

"Kian.." I said and pulled his shirt over his head.

I layed him down and sat up on top of him making sure my weight was bearing on the couch not him. I took off my shirt and started leaving little kisses all down his stomach, the side of his broken rib. I kissed him passionately and he kissed me back although I could tell it was hurting him. Our kisses were different, this one was slow and deep and passionate. Almost like he was telling me how happy he is he's alive and with me, all in a kiss. And my kiss is saying the exact same thing.

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