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"Morning, Ki" I said tracing his broken
rib with my thumb.

"Good morning" He groaned. He tried to turn over to cuddle me and winced.

"Kian be careful." I said before leaning into his shoulder and cuddling him.

"What are we gonna do today babe?" He asked as he rubbed my back with the palm of his hand.

"We need to film, tell the fans what happens, that we're okay. They're freaking out".

"Yeah okay. Do we need to tell them anything else?" He asked.

Kians POV

"Yeah okay. Do we need to tell them anything else?" I asked.

He looked confused for a second.

"You know, about us? Or if you're not ready that's okay."

"Kian. You know i want to. Harrison and Vitaly both know now, it's not like i'm ashamed or want to keep it a secret. I want everyone to know that your mine and the hell I went thinking about what I would do if you didn't wake up. I want all the fans that love us to know that I love you. But I'm also not prepared for one more bad thing to happen to us, I think we should just recover from what happened and then move forward from there. But no, not yet I'm sorry Ki-"

I cut him off my smashing our lips together for a slow passionate kiss.

"Jc, you change everything with your words. I swear you could persuade me to do anything . " I said.

"So, your okay with that?" He asked.

I traced his cheek with my thumb and kissed his lips.

"Take that as a yes. " I said.


"So, Harrison knows ? When did that happen?"

"Yeah, one day he came to see you and saw me crying and asked me if i was okay. I told him no, I can't stand the thought of my boyfriend, my best friend and the guy I'm in love with might not wake up, and he might not remember me. He looked surprised but not shocked, he just embraced me and didn't say anything for a while. Then he just said "Just know that I don't think any differently of the both of you, and that I think it's beautiful that you both love each other so much" . He then told me that if you're in a sub conscious state you can choose whether or not to come back. He said that "if there's someone or something he left behind, someone that's pulling him through, he will come through. So if he loves you as much as you love him, He'll come through." He helped me so much Kian after that I was just full of hope, I knew you would come through.

I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Hey, Jc. I'm here now. And i'm sorry that I left you there in so much pain but Harrison was right. You were what pulled me through. Your were what i wanted to come back to and i'm here now."

"I know Ki and I'm so happy" I said and hugged him so tightly.

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