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"So Kuro, if you think i'm your rival then *smirk* I dare you to kill Mahiru with no mercy but don't worry, when the dare is over he will alive"  - SillyCouple
Mahiru: what?!
Kuro: what?!
Me: cool!
Kuro: what the hell!
Mahiru: K-kuro...
Kuro: i-i don't want to do the dare
Mahiru: I don't want you to either but...
Kuro: but?
Mahiru: if you don't you have to play a punishment game... And it'll be fine because I'll still be alive anyway...
Kuro: I don't give a fuck I'll play the stupid punishment game I don't want to kill you even if you'll still be alive!
Me: you know you could just say that you don't think of sillycouple-san as a rival
Kuro: huh?
Me: can you even read properly?!
Mahiru: Kuro you were joking right when you called sillycouple-san your rival?
Kuro: I was joking only if you were joking when you said you loved sillycouple-san
Mahiru: I love sillycouple-san as a friend.
Kuro: and how do you love me?
Mahiru: you know that already!
Kuro: no i dont
Me: really?
Kuro: yes
Mahiru: ugh I love you like a lover would...
Me: you'd be amazed at how insecure kuro is about their relationship. Anyway I guess he can't do it but that's fine because none of us would want to see mahiru die. Btw "sillycouple-san" of you plan to keep doing dares can I know your gender because its really difficult to keep using "sillycouple-san"

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