I need a hug

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I need a hug
Just one fucking hug
Right now, while I'm scared and it means the most.
When I'm alone and don't want to hear the voices talk.
They're not mean yet but i can sense their plans
Like the calm before the storm
Some nice words here and there and just silence.
The silence is the worst it gives away their intentions.
I need a hug to distract them.
Make them forget their plans so I can sleep tonight.
Without having to scream
Shut up
Shut up all of you
But don't go silent
Because silence is the worst.
I need a hug, long hug, short hug, platonic hug, loving hug I don't
care what kind or from whom I just need one right now
But I can't get a hug now
Never when I need it
I fear the silence but it's almost over
The first voice has spoken up
They don't care it said
I know better or at least I should
I manage to ignore it but soon more follow
They're pretending
You're going to fail
It's just a prank don't fall for it
They want me to listen but I refuse
Remembering is hard sometimes
Remembering the warmth of a hug
To spark in someone's eyes while talking to them
The caring words
They change the memories
Turning hugs into pain
Sparks of happiness into hate
Caring words to insults
They're smart
Too smart
They're me and I know all my weak spots
They sound so convincing
But I won't believe them
They're filthy liars
But they shut up with a hug
They can't change the now
That's why i need one
Or I'll have to battle then until late at night
Barely getting any sleep yet again
My tiredness fuels them
Gives them more ideas
How could you succeed in life if you can't even sleep
I wish they'd just shut up
But not all of them
I don't want them to form more plans
You'd think of killing them wouldn't you?
For every voice you kill more come back
How'd you think I have so many
Maybe they'll die of sometime
But when they go they'll take me with them
And I'm not going anywhere
Fuck the voices
Fuck their lies
They won't get me
Because I know
I know they care
They're not pretending
I won't fail
They're just liars, filthy fucking liars

And they won't get me down without going down themselves

I'll kill them all someday
But I'm staying.
Right. The fuck. Here.
While they'll burn in hell
Fearing the day I die
Because that day their hell starts.
I'll get my payback.


Well that's a thing.... can't say when the next time I have ennough free time to be bored is so yeah updates will be surprises.

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