Chapter 2

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Jason P.O.V

I looked over at Evan as he scribbled an "idea" in his "idea notebook."

"Dude, do you ever put that thing down?" I asked him.

"You're just jealous that I have something other than girls on my mind," he stated as he closed the book.

"Oh yeah, well at least I have a girl," I said with pride.

"I guess that's another difference to add to the list, I don't need to have a girl to be happy," he said opening his book again and adding it to the "List of Differences."

"The List of Differences" is a list Evan and I made up when we were younger to show our parents that we were not the same AT ALL. We originally made the list to show that we didn't want to wear the same clothes anymore, but after a while, we found out that we had a lot more differences than we thought.

"Another difference is that I can actually get a girl, unlike you," I said pulling my suitcase out of my closet and shoving clothes in it.

"Well, I better get to packing too," Evan said, completely ignoring what I just said. He exited the room and closed the door, leaving me alone with the mid-night crickets chirping.

I closed my suitcase and set it by the door with the rest of my stuff. I walked to the window and looked out at the cresent moon. It was a dark night, with clouds covering most of the sky, so I was unable to see any stars.

I was interupted from my daydream when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I yelled so that the person behind the door could see me.

Dad emerged from the door in his robe and pajamas.

"I just came in to make sure you were done packing and to say good night," Dad said, sleepiness lacing the tone of the voice.

"Yeah, I'm mostly done packing, all I have left to pack is my sheets and my furniture," I told him.

"Okay well, the moving truck will be here around noon tomorrow and it's a long drive so we will be stopping at a hotel half way and then getting to the new home about right on time to make the school bus on time." he told me.

"We are going to school the first day we get there? Without even being in the new house for ten minutes? How did you even know about the time the bus comes?" I said to him while turning to the window and closing it.

"I talked to the lady across the road from us. We met her when we looked at the house. She has a daughter your age. And deal with it. You weren't that enthusiastic about moving to the new house anyway. So why do you care if you don't see it for another couple hours?" he said with a bit of an annoyed tone. I know I may be dampening his plans, but we're gonna be driving for so long I have to go to school ten minutes after we get there?

"Fine Dad. Thanks for letting me know. I'll pack a bag of clothes so that I will wear on Monday."

I sighed and left the room, turning off the light on my way out. I made my way down the now empty hallway that used to be filled with mom's exotic hippie decorations from the eighties. Before I walked into Evan's room, I listened through the door. I heard a light "tisk, tisk, tisk," from the room and then the sound of water swirling. The sounds paused and then resumed. I walked in the room to see Evan at his desk with a cup of water, his paints, a pencil, and a big piece of poster board.

"Dude, what the hell are you doing?" I questioned him while sitting on his bed.

"Trying out this new splatter paint technique," he stated as if it was supposed to be obvious.

He put the brush in the paint and picked the pencil up. He held the pencil straight out firmly and hit the paint brush against the pencil and paint splattered everywhere on the poster board, but I have to admit that it looked quite cool.

"It looks really cool and all, but I want some sleep. And this," I stated motioning to what he was doing, "will keep me up all night. And you really should start packing, you know."

"Yeah, I know. I was just doing this to give it to Mr. and Mrs. Bailey," he stated in his kind way that always attracted old people. The Bailey's live across the street and they are really old. They don't like me, but they love Evan and his "creativity."

Evan started to clean up his art mess and I started toward the door. I stopped and said, "By the way, the moving truck is going to be here around early tomorrow morning for the furniture, so have all your stuff ready."

"Okay. And did Dad tell you who we're moving across the road from?" he asked.

"Yeah. I heard it's a girl. I was hoping a guy our age would live around us so I can practice football with them, but I guess a girl can occupy me just fine," I said knowing that Evan hates it when I talk about girls like that.

"Stop if Jason. Do you really want that reputation at a new school? You know that wouldn't be good, especially if you want to be on the football team," Evan said knowing he was dampening my playful mood.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed. Good night," I said as I left the room and didn't look back. But as mad as I was, I thought to myself, "do I really want that reputation again?"


Sooooooo....... I found some major glitches with the plot of the story and I fixed this chapter. I'm still fixing chapter three, so if there is any plot or setting changes, it's because I'm still editing chapter three. Thanks for reading!

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