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The raven looked at its vulpine companion and cawed,"I want to leave my nest already, my parents just don't understand me."

The raven sighed, flapping its wings in discontent. The fox currently resting on its haunches while leaning against a tree replied,"I understand," he lifted his furry head to look at the bird,"They keep insisting on calling me kit, when I tell them I'm actually called Beigehuman!"

The young fox continued,"Does anything of this sort happen to you, Shadowhuman?"

"Yes, but I don't pay any mind to it.." came the onyx bird's reply, "unlike some animals..."

The two glanced at the not too far from them. 

"Are you talking about raginghuman?" The vulpine asked gesturing with its paws as if they were hands.

"Shh!! It's Humanthepapaya when that unicorn's near us."



A little story that I hope a certain someone won't read.

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