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Ratchet could feel a dull ache throbbing at the back of his processor. The fact that he could hear gunshots echoing down the corridor leading to his med bay did not serve to improve his condition.

Five minutes ago, Rodimus had commed him.

I'm coming to the med bay. Now.

The message was short. What could Rodimus have done now?

He heard something ricocheting off of the ship's thick walls. Followed by someone screaming something along the lines of 'MY KNEE!'

At that moment Rodimus stumbled in in all his prime-y glory.

The med bay doors slid shut behind him with a hiss.

'Hey, Ratch! Doc, Ratchet, buddy, pal.'

'Cut to the chase, Rodimus.'

'Well, buddy did you know that guns are really easy to insert and almost virtually impossible to take out?'

Ratchet deadpanned.


'You did not.'

Rodimus leaned forward, his palms coming together.

'I can literally shoot people with my ass now.'

'The gun is loaded?!'

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