4th Hymn: The Acceptance

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When a Galdorkraft user accepts a covenant with Linhtaz, it is not only the Galdorkraft abilities that he can acquire from his spiritual connection with him. There are instances when the connection with the god is too strong that it resulted a Galdorkraft wielder’s age to halt, making him seemingly immortal.


When Lythan began to rise from the fogs of unconsciousness, the first thing that registered to his senses was voices, and then pain, and lastly the guilt. Memories of the event that occurred started to play in his mind, overwhelming him- the fear in Dylan’s eyes before the explosion, the students screaming, fleeing the scene, the expression of Remy, Kevin and Emily.

I screwed this up royally!

The trip to his memory lane started a momentum that he, himself cannot stop. Flashbacks of his older, darker memories-- the pleading look in the eyes of the criminals before he killed them; the thrill he get from the sounds of flesh blowing up; the cries cut-off by the explosions; the baleful looks he get from the family of the deceased.

Am I really that evil? Then why haven’t Linhtaz punished me already? Or is this the punishment, this never ending sorrow? If yes, then you succeeded Linhtaz! Just kill me already!

Overwhelmed by the sins of his past and the guilt accompanying them, he tried to escape the haunting images by opening his eyes but darn, he couldn’t. He did the same with the rest of his body but had the similar result. Trying to suppress the panic bubbling inside him, he focused on the voices instead.

“When will he wake up? It’s been almost two days already.” He heard Remy as someone fussed over him.

“He should be waking up in any moment. He experienced backlash which is not death-threatening, but nevertheless painful. I only knew a few cases about Galdorkraft backlashes so I can’t really give you more than what I already told you.” An unfamiliar voice of a woman just above him, probably the nurse in her fifties, answered. “But why he abstained from his Galdorkraft, only he could answer that; and from the severity of his condition, I might add that he is not just a typical student. The more one withheld his own power, the more severe the backlashes will be. Just be careful young man.” The nurse stopped her fussing over. “Inform me when he wakes up.” The nurse left the room. He heard the door opened and then closed signaling her departure.

 I experienced what? A Galdorkraft backlash! Gods! How lame was that! Galdorkraft backlashes only happened when someone as stupid as him, after a Galdorkraft Abstinence, accessed it abruptly. He should know first thing about that matter. He was supposed to prepare his body to receive again the power he abstained from. It would normally take at least a week but he did it too soon. His body didn’t quite agree to the sudden input of power so it shut itself down.

“Lythan, man, I know you’re awake so open your eyes already.” Remy’s voice startled him from his thoughts making him jump. Well, jump might be applicable if only Lythan’s body wasn’t so battered. He opened an eye and peeked at Remy. Remy’s tired yet concerned face surprised him. Did he stay around while he was still passed out? It couldn’t be, no one has ever done that before. Remy started to say something but was cut-off by the sound of a door opening. They both looked at the door’s direction and saw Emily ducked inside, followed by Kevin and then Dylan.

Dylan, oh shit!

“Oh, the sleeping beauty has finally awakened! So Remy, did you kiss him?” Kevin asked as they crowded the room.

“Shut it Kev.” Remy snagged an apple from the fruit basket beside Lythan’s bed and threw it at Kevin. He just snatched it mid-air then started munching it.

“Yeah, Kev. Don’t make Lythan feel uncomfortable.” Dylan added. All eyes flew immediately at Dylan. “What? You guys looked so surprised. I’m not usually an asshole, you know.” But Dylan blushed. Lythan was shocked. Did Dylan just apologize? Lythan did the wrong here so why was Dylan apologizing?

“N-no, I should be the one apologizing. I almost killed you for Linhtaz’s sake!” He pointed out.

“I assaulted you first and you just reacted on instinct. Besides, thanks to Emily,” He hitched a thumb at Emily’s direction then continued “I still have a complete set of arms so, friends?” He smiled as he offered a hand and Lythan accepted it warily.

“I know I don’t deserve this but sure, friends.” He can’t prevent a grin form breaking. Friends! I can’t believe it! How cool was that? Ha! This metanoia isn’t bad after all. I have a friend now, and soon, I can be free from the clutches of my past! Lythan was so overjoyed. His delight was so contagious that the rest also broke into grins, amused with Lythan’s happiness.

“So Lythan, about my offer…” Remy started but Emily and her ever lethal elbow effectively stopped him from continuing. “Ow! What was that for?” Remy rubbed his stomach but Emily just rolled her eyes.

“Just rest it for a while, will you? Can't you see that Lythan just woke up and is pretty banged up?”

“Aww… Emily’s got a cru—sh!” Dylan sing-songed making Emily blush.

“Shut up Dylan!” But the flush in Emily’s face made everybody laugh.


They spent the rest of the day in Lythan’s room, talking about school stuff and mundane things, the event forgotten. They asked about Lythan’s abrupt change of hair color. They were very curious as to why it was so unnaturally dark in the first place and then about why it was now gaining a silvery white color which was present to all normal Galdorkraft wielders, and all those time, Emily petted his hair. She was rather too close for a normal conversation, but he didn’t mind. He answered shortly that he needed to abstain from his Galdorkraft but then changed the subject.

Lythan discovered how great being with other people, sharing jokes. He never bothered to listen to the jokes that his former colleagues cracked. He thought it was a waste of his time. But hell he was wrong. It was fun- a new concept for him.

Dylan turned out to be a clown making Lythan laugh so hard that he forced himself to slow down, scared to lose the content of his bladder.

“Just stop Dylan! You make me want to pee!” Lythan warned Dylan between guffaws. “I never expected that you would be like this! You are the best, man!”

Suddenly, Dylan’s comical face turned sober. “I’m sorry Lythan. I thought you were a Forsaken. Stupid of me to think when you are a student in this academy.” He paused; he had this faraway look in his eyes.  “When I thought you were a Forsaken, I wanted to hurt you so bad!” He glanced at Lythan. “It’s just that my family was killed by Forsaken but when I found out you weren’t? I felt so horrible! ” He smiled but without mirth this time.

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that Dylan.” Lythan gripped Dylan’s shoulder, comforting him.

“Okay, stop with this waterworks! We are supposed to be happy! We have found the last member of our group, so this calls for a celebration!” Remy broke the awkward atmosphere. Leave it to Remy in making everybody comfortable. Yet Emily glared at Remy. “Don’t start Em. We’re not gonna, like, train Lythan immediately so chill up.” It’s Remy’s turn to roll his eyes.

“But I haven’t agreed yet.” Lythan started but Remy cut him off.

“Hush! You don’t have a say in this Lythan!” His stern voice was betrayed by his goofy smile. “Honestly Lythan. Just accept it!”

He thought it over for three seconds. What harm could it do? Maybe this is Linhtaz’s sign, so I should maybe give it a try, right?

“Okay. Count me in!"

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