13th Hymn: The Letter

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Palaces existed long before but they were destroyed singlehandedly by the first guardian who became Forsaken. But the Forsaken failed to destroy the tradition that accompanies such majestic structures. They continued to give titles such as Heirs, Princes and Princesses.


Lythan was staring at the bird, perched at a tree near him, which was tilting its head. It seemed content, he thought. He wondered what the bird was thinking, or whether it was even capable of processing a thought. He smiled at himself and shook his head. Sure he was now thinking bizarre things. The bird might laugh at him if it knew where his train of thoughts led and if it could laugh. The bird then looked at him or so it seemed. It then flew away, free. He was jealous. He envied the bird. He almost wished that he was like that bird, soaring, not a little care in this world.

He was startled when someone sat beside him but he didn’t turn his head.

“Hey.” Em spoke quietly.

“You shouldn’t be here.”

“I should be here. You’re my friend!” she reasoned. He couldn’t see her reaction but he knew she was facing him at the moment. He was almost afraid to see her reaction.

“You’re Jeremy’s friend first.” He knew he was being rude but he couldn’t stop it. “He might accidentally punch you if he knew you were here.” His jaw still hurt where his friend hit him.

“He was angry, you must understand. When you said you were an Enforcer, it was a shock. We were shocked. But it impacted him the most.” Em defended Remy, which twisted his heart even more than it already was. He stood up and dusted his pants. He turned to leave but was stopped by a hand gripping his wrist.

“Please, let me explain.” Her voice laced with panic. “Remy is a broken man.” That made him pause. He sat down again.

“I don’t totally understand but I know that you being a former Enforcer made him so mad. He is a secretive person, Lythan. He may appear grounded and confident but he is hurting. He has few friends and that is why he feels so betrayed by you. If you noticed his reaction at Enforcer Cross…” She trailed off, but he understood. He saw him glaring at her.

“But it won’t change a thing. I was an Enforcer and he loathes our kind. He hates me and I don’t want that kind of animosity. I don’t want to see you divided.” He stood up again and started to walk away. This time, she didn’t stop him.


Lythan spent the whole week avoiding them. They were falling apart or they already did. There was one time when he saw them. They were fine without him, which saddened him more. Before any of them could see him acting like a stalker, he walked away. It looked like they had moved on already.

“Mr. Thanes.” A husky voice pierced his self-pity party. He turned and found the Assistant Headmaster.

“Yes, professor Moure?” He bowed as a sign of respect. Professor Logan Moure was a respectable man. He was a septuagenarian but he carried himself strong. He heard about the man and it was all compliments. He even thought so.

He wondered why a man like him was here.

“Please follow me.” He asked him and then turned away, walking in a direction that probably led to his office.

He was ushered inside. He took a look around the room. It was big but simple. A mahogany colored table, bricked wall, old-fashioned chandelier lightings, except for a grotesque-looking sculpture sitting at the table’s edge.

“Is that an ankle-biter?” he asked.

The assistant head master turned his head and smiled at him.

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