Help me?

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I'm alone, I'm scared and I'm lost; with no one around me I knew for a fact any cries for help were useless. By this stage I had long accepted my fate and with that, lay on the cold hard ground upon which cars race over and kids ride their bicycles; in hope that I wouldn't have to see this world again.

I've been lying here now on this cold ground for what feels like hours but in real time it has only been several minutes. The night is so lifeless at this time of 3:24am; or so I thought. Lying here with my eyes closed allows me to live in my imagination; think about what my life could have been like and all the mistakes and regrets I have.

As the minutes pass I start to feel more uneasy about lying here in the middle of the road in this unknown town in the dark; I'm starting to feel as though someone is watching me; as if they are getting closer to me; almost as if they are coming to say something to me. I open my eyes to see if what I'm feeling is correct; opening my eyes I'm strongly hoping no one is there; but with quick blink I can see the shadow of another human being... I came here alone; no one followed me; no one knows I'm here... who is this?! And with that I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping and praying that the mysterious, anonymous stranger, who is now standing tall over me, leaves me alone and walks on.

"You just gonna keep your eyes shut and pretend you didn't see me?" his voice says in a confident sort of way.

I'm left lying here thinking to myself do I answer or not? Of course I'm not the kind of girl to keep my mouth shut and so I pluck up the courage to answer.

"Uhhh... Well umm...." I open my mouth but nothing comes out.

He knows I'm scared as hell; I can't hide that fact any longer... I'm frantically thinking to myself; who could this be? Do I know him? What does he want with me?

"You're scared, I can see that, but keeping your eyes closed isn't gonna help you!" He's sounding more serious with every word that tumbles out of his mouth.

I decide to put on a brave front and open my eyes...As soon as I've done this I instantly regret it, the tall, mysterious shadow that is standing over me belongs to the one and only number one bad boy of the year... Noah Abrams.

"What are you doing here Noah?" I say with a disgusted tone

"Think I could ask you the same thing madam" He says smirking

He reaches out his hand and I allow him to help me up off the ground whilst avoiding eye contact of any kind.

"So where you heading?" Noah asks me

"None of your business" I snarl

"Woah calm down girl, I'm not following you or anything, I was just tryna be nice" he replies innocently.

As if he expects me to believe him for one minute after what he's been involved with over the years.

"You, innocent? you're staring me right in the eye and telling me lies and expect me to believe that you're just trying to be nice! I don't and never will believe you!" I scream at Noah forgetting that the residents in the houses around us are probably fast asleep.

"I know you still love me Ava, I can see it in your eyes, and how you're trying so hard to avoid just jumping at me and wrapping your arms around my neck and asking to sleep over at mine like old times" he replies in his low husky toned voice.

I loved his low husky voice; how could any girl resist it? I had to try my best though; I pushed past him and ran down the road as fast as I could; to get anyway from his grasp.

"You and I both know I'm right Ava" he shouts running after me.

"Leave me alone" I scream back at him

Just then I bump into someone else but it's so dark I've no clue who it is.

"Watch it" they shout

"I..I..I'm sorry... I know you?" I ask quietly

"No and I'm not up for getting to know you, but I can see you're scared of someone of something... here take my jacket to stop shivering and i'll get you home" he replies sketchily

Honestly I'm not sure what's going on right now, but this guy is someone I know I want to get to know better... He seems nice... in a strange way.

He hands me his jacket and we walk off down the middle of the road together as if we've known each other our whole lives. I've been taught about stranger danger plenty of times and yes he is a stranger but anyone is better to walk home with on this dark, cold and strange night than Noah Abrams, I think to myself.

"So what's your name?" He asks me

"I'm Ava Hollingsdale, you?" I reply shyly.

I wait for a couple of minutes and still have no reply from him on what his name is... I ask again "What's your name?"

"You wouldn't want to know... like I told you I'm not up for us getting to know each other" he replies whilst looking around as if to make sure no one was watching.

I know he says we aren't getting to know each other but deep down I feel like I need to hear all about him, his life, his family, his name and also his deep and dark secrets.

"Are you in trouble?" I ask

"Look its best you don't tell anyone we were together, okay?" he replies

"You're not the only one with secrets" I whispered under my breath, just low enough for him not to hear.

I'm Ava Hollingsdale and I have more secrets than you can imagine.

Authors Part:

So I decided to write this quickly, I also had no idea what I was gonna write about when I started this so it was kinda just thrown and pretty rubbish if you ask me but sure, enjoy reading and please comment your thoughts and any ideas if you want! 

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