Who is he?

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Like I stated before, i'm Ava Hollingsdale; but who was that boy? Is it possible I made the whole thing up... was it a dream or actually it would be more of a nightmare when I think about it. Either way I need to find out who he is... I must know him or at least have seen him around before; I mean you can't just dream about someone you've never met. however all i need is to just find out his name and the rest I will be able to work out myself. 

I guess I will just have to put this situation aside for now as i'm already late for school today, not like that will be much of a surprise to anyone in the building that is so confidently filled with fear, dread and anxiety. 

Just like every other school there's the cliche groups of students; you have the popular cheerleaders and jocks, the more intellectual ones amongst us and the ones who are into different extra curricular activities. You're probably now wondering what group I fit into, am I right? Well I don't associate myself with any of them. I prefer to live my life as the unique individual I was born to be and oh sweet damn how that has caused some controversy for me over the years. 

I've arrived at this glorious building an hour late meaning I have missed first period and part of second period... What a shame. I walk the empty school halls alone whilst everyone else is still in class; no point walking in halfway through a class and causing a scene now is there? Just so you're aware yes I am planning to walk the halls for the next twenty minutes by myself without getting caught... it's easy; well so I thought. 

Do you ever just get that feeling that someone is watching you yet you've checked all corners and behind all walls and no one is there? Although normally if you speed up and find company quickly the fear you once felt subsides and all is fine again... Well that's the exact feeling I have right now, but only I can't run away for multiple reasons I mean i'm alone so I'll find no company close by anyway and if I run I am assured to get caught for making too much noise. 

I continue my slow and tedious journey down this what seems like an endless corridor. Like I've said before I'm not interested in any of the cliche groups that this school has to offer; so minding my own business whilst I continue to break school rules is what I'm best at. I'm almost at the end of this horribly dull looking corridor when I hear it... The voice...  I swear i'm not making this up... He said my name, he said "Ava Hollingsdale". 

I'm not going to answer, I know i'm alone here; I know I feel like someone is watching me but no they aren't, they can't be. There's no one else here!

"Ava Hollingsdale, I know all about you, you can't hide from me" The voice says. 

Right now at this very moment I wish I had of just gone straight to class; walked in right in the middle and made a scene. The sense of fear I felt earlier has now become more intense but there's nothing I can do... I don't know where the body of this voice is located... I checked everywhere and seen nobody around me at all. I quickly way up my options in my mind and the only half decent option I can come up with is to answer. 

"Wh..Who is that?" I say trying not to sound overly frightened. 

I stand still for what feels like a lifetime waiting for a reply but they say nothing. The only thing left for me now is to continue walking and pray for the bell to ring early, which I know is never going to happen. 

As I start to walk away I can hear breathing and by this stage i'm more scared than I've ever been in my whole life. 

"Ava, you can't hide from me" The mysterious yet familiar voice whispers 

At this stage I am desperate to find out who this is and what exactly they know about me... I have many secrets that only myself and those involved know about and they must stay that way. If someone else finds out these dark secrets of mine i'm done for. 

"Please... Just tell me who you are. We can talk this through, you can tell me what you know about me. I can explain." I replied. 

All of a sudden after I reply I feel something hit my feet... It looks like an old leaflet or maybe a booklet of some kind, honestly i'm not overly sure what it is. 

"It's a map, the locations are numbered. Meet me at the location marked '1' tonight. You must come by yourself and mention this to no one else, if anyone else finds out or comes with you, you will regret it... that's not a threat... It's a promise. Got it? I'll expect to see you later and if I don't well you'll find out what happens next" The mysterious voice explains. 

Right now I am asking myself why I didn't just stay at home today and pretend I was sick; however this has now confirmed that the strange boy I woke up thinking about was most likely real and not just a dream. I mean if that's all I can confirm about him, I will take that and move on. I'd do anything to get rid of this mysteriously exciting yet horribly frightening experience I a about to embark on. 

This map has fifteen locations... Does that mean he wants to meet up on fifteen separate occasions; does he know fifteen different secrets about me; are there fifteen different people i'm going to encounter? there are so many different possibilities as to what the numbers one to fifteen on this map could stand for and I guess I'll find out the start of it all tonight. 

I look at the map more closely now that the person with the mysterious voice  has now left me alone. I locate the location number '1' on the map... My old house... What happened at my old house that concerns some stranger so much... I guess I'll find out later. 

The bell for the end of class has eventually rung; about time if you ask me. I safely pop the number map in my backpack and set off down the corridor with all the other students round me. All I can think about is why can no one else find out about this map... there has to be a reason, right? 

As I walk to my next class I still feel as though i'm being watched by someone, but who wouldn't in my situation right now. I feel as though I can hear them breathing and if I reach out maybe I will be able to touch them... Or maybe this is all just in my head and i'm super paranoid now, but I truly believe paranoid or not the mysterious stranger is still there, listening to my every word. 

"See you later stranger" I whisper just in case he's still lurking around somewhere. 

Authors note: 

So yeah it has taken me over 6 months to actually get back to writing this.. Honestly I have no idea where this is going so i'm just writing whatever comes into my head at the time. It's not perfect I know because I never actually go through and edit my writing before posting, I have no reason why I don't... I just don't. But any ideas you have for how this story could go please put them in the comments and I'll read them and probably consider the because as I said, I have no idea where this is going at the minute. 

Anyway I know this isn't the best but thanks for reading and commenting if you do. 

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