Chapter 1

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“Wanted to belong here

But something felt so wrong here”

I sighed as I closed my door behind me. It had been a long day. In just a weeks time I would be making my vows of commitment to the convent and preparations were well underway. I sighed again. I was happy to be making those vows, of course I was. But there was some small part of me that regretted that I was so young and was already doing what I would do every day for the rest of my life. I wanted adventure. I wanted freedom.

I sat down at the small table in my room and removed my headdress, unpinning my long brown hair and allowing it to fall down my back. I looked at myself in the mirror. Something just didn’t feel right. Then a low voice behind me made me turn round.

“’Scuse me, love.” The man spoke quite politely, much more so than his attire would suggest by any means. “Is this a brothel?” I was scared, how did this man get in my room? But at the same time, I was curious. He was different. There was something about him that made me want to know more.

“N…n…no.” I stuttered at last. “This is a convent.”

“Oh. Bugger.” I stared at him, but not due to his use of bad language. It was something else. I knew what he was, or at least I had a very good idea of what he was. And yet I still felt no fear. I was about to ask him if it was true, when there was a knock at my door.

“Miss Angelica?” Sister Margaret!

“Hide!” I whispered to the man. “Just a moment!” I called out to Sister, helping the man into my closet. I closed the closet door firmly behind him as I walked over to the door to my room.

“Miss Angelica, Sister Annette wishes to speak to you first thing in the morning.”

“Of course, Sister Margaret.” I inclined my head politely. “Is that all?”

She nodded. “It is. Goodnight, Miss Angelica.”

“Goodnight, Sister Margaret.” I closed the door as she left, reminding myself that in just a weeks time I would be “Sister Angelica.” I sighed heavily, and then made my way to the closet, opening the doors.

“You shouldn’t be here.” I said quietly as the man stepped out.

“Apologies. I’ll be going.” He started to go towards the windows. Was that how he had come in? Before I knew what I was doing, I stepped towards him.

“No!” I called quietly. “Don’t go.” I hesitated. “You’re a… pirate, are you not?”

He nodded. “Aye. Captain Jack Sparrow.” He made a slight, sweeping bow.

“Angelica Malon.” I said, inclining my head. “Please, stay. I want to hear about the sea.” I saw a slight smile come to his face, his eyes curious but as he blinked this curiosity was gone.

“As you wish, love.”

I moved to the edge of my bed and sat down, gesturing for him to sit beside me which he did, if somewhat awkwardly.

“Well, love. I’ve been on the sea for all me life. My father is the Keeper of the Code.”

“The Code?”

“Aye, the Code. It’s the law of the pirates.”

“Pirates have rules to follow?” I was shocked, having always been taught that pirates were lawless men who did as they pleased.

“Aye, some. The Code is a big book, but most of the rules are pretty easy to follow and most don’t even know what they are anymore so no one really bothers. As I said, my father is the Keeper of the Code and I ‘spose that job will be passed to me one day.” He pulled a face. “Long way off yet though.”

I smiled. “Tell me about your ship.”

“Ah, my ship.” His face softened. “The Black Pearl. She has black sails and we only fly the flag on rare occasion. She is magnificent, and fierce, and huge…ish. She is my freedom.”

I sighed at the mention of freedom and he looked at me curiously. “Tell me about your adventures.”

“Too many to tell, love.” He smirked.

“Please? How about just your most recent one?”

“Hmm. Well that’s not too long to tell I suppose. I tracked down a shipwreck, spent a few days there until Davy Jones and his ship, the Flying Dutchman appeared. When he had finished with the crew of the shipwreck, I asked him to raise a ship from the depths for me. The Black Pearl. He agreed to do so, giving me thirteen years as Captain before I have to serve on the Dutchman for one hundred years.” He must have seen my eyes widen, as he hastily added “Of course, I’ll find my way out of that when the time comes. But the Pearl, she is worth it. Fastest ship on the seven seas, and a right beauty.”

We talked a while longer, and then we looked out of the window. The sun would be rising soon. I looked at him, knowing he would have to leave now and my brief touch of adventure would be gone. Reality washed over me as I realised that my day would go on as if he was never here.

“Will I see you again?”

He hesitated, and then nodded. “If you wish, I can return tonight.”

I nodded, eagerly. “Please.”

“So I prayed

I could breakaway…”

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