Chapter 1

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"Nngh!", Starscream cried, as he struggled to hold up the massive boulder threatening to crush him. The Autobots claimed that they would never harm a defenceless being, yet they left Starscream in the collapsed cave to rust.

Suddenly, out of the corner of Starscream's optic, he saw the face of the one mech whom he didn't want to see: Megatron. Perhaps he could convince his master to free him, even if Starscream was sure Megatron wouldn't listen.

"Master, you're alive! Thank the Allspark!" Megatron just glared his crimson, red optics at him.

"I-I did not abandon you, Master! I returned! To save you!", the seeker cried, pathetically.

"Save me?", Megatron said, clearly not believing a word the traitorous scum was saying.

"Look into my spark, Lord Megatron", Starscream shrieked in a tone of desperation, "My intentions were true!" Again, Megatron glowered at him with his disturbing eyes.

"Please! Have mercy!" the fragile seeker howled, tears streaming down his face.

A lascivious thought entered Megatron's mind as he stared at the seeker. He noticed just how beautiful the seeker was. Oh yes, he knew the perfect way to make Starscream sorry for ever abandoning him in the first place. He looked again at Starscream's slender and delicate body, all the while smirking in a perverted and sadistic manner.

Starscream, not noticing this since his optics were closed from the effort of holding up the rock, felt two pairs of claws grasp his frame. Megatron quickly hoisted Starscream over his shoulder and escaped before the cave completely collapsed. Starscream didn't realise where Megatron's claw was placed, as his whole body ached. Megatron admired Starscream's aft, running his servos along its curves. He then set the smaller bot down and the two stood there, Starscream bowing his head. He was just glad to be out of that stuffy cave.


"Y-yes, Master?" Starscream replied, optics filled with fear, bracing himself for a beating. But Megatron simply said, with the same lecherous smirk:

"Return to the ship and clean yourself up,"

"Certainly, my liege, I-I'll go right away, my liege-

"Just go!"

Starscream whimpered a little and then flew away. Megatron waited until he could no longer see the jet. Once the seeker was out of sight, Megatron transformed and flew to the stars.


Starscream arrived on the Nemesis' deck, amazed that he was still alive. He walked through the corridors of the Nemesis to his quarters, getting a few dirty looks from passing vehicons. He wasn't very popular among the troops, as during his short but sweet leadership of the Decepticons, he had been rude to several of them. A vehicon rushed up to him with a worried expression on his face.

"Commander Starscream, sir! Are you injured? Do you need assistance? Do you need me to walk you to the med-bay? Perhaps a glass of warm energon?", the vehicon stammered.

"I don't need your help!", Starscream yelled, "Get out of my sights!"

"But sir, you look like you've seen a ghost!"

"What is your name, drone?", Starscream demanded.

"Er...", the vehicon spluttered.


"It's Steve, sir"

"Well, Steve", Starscream said, with venom in his voice, "I would get out of here before I get angry and terminate you. You don't want that, do you, Steve?"

"No, sir!", Steve said. He didn't care how much Starscream hated him, he just wanted to be able to see his gorgeous commander's body.

"Well then, frag off!" Starscream shrieked.

"Yes sir, I will certainly frag off right away!" And with that, Steve ran off, feeling ecstatic at having talked to the Commander, even if Starscream was pretty hostile towards him. Starscream just rolled his eyes as the vehicon ran off.

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