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So I thought I'd make a quick list of the stories you should definitely read while you are waiting patiently for my next post... we all need a little recognition once in a while so here are my recommendations, all the stories you should definitely read, become a fan, comment and vote for!

Not all of them are here, those are just the ones that I've been following for a while, and that basically inspire me, or just simply amaze me beyond words!

Oh and there's no order because I'm really bad at picking favourites here!!

1-Everything by KatLee

I started on Wattpad because of her! Actually I was like bored and I was shopping for books on the internet and then I stumbled on like the entire Vampire Diaries books on Wattpad, and I thought what the hell, and then there was the little "Recommended" thingy on the side and it was "I saved his life and in return got immortality. InLoveWithAVamp" and I don't know why I started reading it... but I did and got completely addicted and then started an account to get the "KatLee posted a new story!" emails, and then thought "What the heck, let's post some crap too!"

So ya rambling... but anyways, all her stories are awesome... like super-duper good!! So GO READ THEM!!!!

1-Anything by x0x0xsparksflyx0x0x

Her stories are brilliant and she has way not enough fans!! She needs more recognition people!! Everything she writes is the snitzels!! And if you all nag her with me to post soon, it might actually come sooner ;P

The Betrayal will make mash potatoes with your brain, because you're trying too hard to guess what's going to happen ;P

1-Anything by SidneyArden

Simply put, this girl is brilliant and if you are reading my stories and not hers, you are a fool, and you should stop reading this and go to her page and READ!!! GO!!! Get out of here just go read it!!!!

The Otherworld blew my mind; The Thief's Revenge leaves me speechless... honestly sometimes instead of writing I go read her stories again because it's just TOO good!!

Puppet Assassin is my new obsession and TEMPTED is like wow! Her Blake rocks! Maybe even more than mine! Yes people you heard it right!!

If she doesn't get publish it's because :

a) She's too lazy to sent it to an editor

b) She gets hit by a van and therefore cannot publish her work (though I'm sure her friends could always work something out for us)

c) The planet has been invaded by aliens and therefore there is just no time for publishing things anymore because we're trying to not get eaten...

1-Nine Lives by ashleyy_

I waited too long to finally go read this and I still hit my head against my desk for that. Her story is now featured and there's a good reason for that : it's because it's an unique story, written so beautifully that I'm jealous of her writing skills!! I love stories with History in it and hers is just perfect on that point...

And her males characters pretty much includes all the guys a girl wants : sexy Felix, sweet William and mysterious Alexander...

And btw Alexander is MINE!!! So back off ladies!! ;P But do go read!! You won't regret it!!

1-Anything by Kate-Dimka

Alright so I started to read "I can't help myself I don't want anyone else" and for some idiotic reason it opened on the third chapter, and as stupid as I am, didn't noticed, but got hooked the second I did because it's the freaking scene where she stares at Sean taking his shirt off!!!! :D

So that got me addicted ;P But then there's also Hundred Acres! And it's just so well written, it just feels so real when you read it... honestly the girl got talent! So if you aren't reading her stories GO!!!

Plus she has a story up for the mystery contest and well... I read almost every freaking Mary Higgins Clark there is to read so it's safe to say I'm kinda tired of these types of stories... but The Culprits' Confession made my annoyance with those go far far away! ;P It's great and I have no freaking clue who killed her... and I always guessed right with Clark so I don't think I need to say more ;P Just go read it and vote so she can win!!! :P

1-Angels in Alleyways and now the sequel Demons in Alleyways by rachloves2write

Okay so if you aren't reading this, or don't know about this story you clearly aren't on the same website as me...

My library has the perfect spot just waiting for them to get publish...

1-Anything by Paige569

So basically Paige's story rocks; Immortal Destiny is one of the only vampire story I read in here and there's a reason for that : because she didn't turn it into a bad cliché thing like a lot of people do... it's good and it's deep and Marcus is just miam miam ;P

Oh and Come Back to Me... I don't know why but I just love it... I love the fact that Katie isn't all "Oh I'm sooo winning him back and waiting naked in his room in order to do so". The way she writes it feels real, like really real... the way people usually react when something like that happens... The way Katie reacts is right... and I love her story for that... and because of Jared too ;P

1-True Loves Means Never Saying Goodbye by love4music16

This story is one of those where I was too lazy to write a comment in the beginning and kept following this bad pattern but honestly it rocks my socks ;P

Mark and Kendall love story is just heart breaking and the way she writes it is so beautiful... there's something about her writing, I don't know how to describe it... but go read it and you'll know what I mean!!

Oh and her last chapter... that's like the meanest thing EVER!!! -_-

But go read it nevertheless, you won't be disappointed!!

Alright so I'm sure I'm missing some other really amazing stories but for my defence I typed this super-duper fast and I have short term memory lost... :D

So don't feel hurt if your story isn't there it's my golden fish brain's fault (you know those damn things turn in circles for hours and don't even know they're repeating the same thing over and over again...)

Oh and if you want a good book, go buy The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I had it in French for a while now but my friend bought me the English version and gave it to me today so I'm like freaking out... because I cried like a big baby at the end... And it's one of my favourite books!!



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