Chapter 1

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Autumnvail, North Carolina 2016 November 5th

I woke up from the best sleep I've ever had. I throw back my pink leopard print comforter. I swing my legs over my bed, my eyes half open and I can feel my face formed into a frown. I shuffle across my hardwood floor to my dresser and look at myself in the mirror. God I look awful, I put my makeup on and brush my teeth before I stumble around my room looking for my cloths to wear. Today I decided on my jeggings and a v-neck and my sweater thing. I walk downstairs to the kitchen island and stare at the coffee pot slowly drop the liquid gold I depend on each dreadful morning. I look at the time and walk out to meet the school bus,I've been in school for a few months already and I'm counting the days till it's over. I'm definitely not about all this morning crap,I wait and wait for my bus in the cold morning dew filled air and put my headphones in to undull the wait. I'm about to loose hope when the bus rounds the corner and I board the yellow death trap. I sit in the first empty seat I see and crank my country music hoping it lifts the fog in my brain before school. When I get there I greet my friends with smiles and small talk but the fog that has entwined itself to me hasn't let up.  I'm in 6th period when I get a text from my mom.
Mom: Ava can you watch the dogs tonight, Phil and I are going out
Me: you and Phil always go out its like I live alone
Mom: don't start this now Ava,there's pasta left I think so you can have that tonight ttyl
Me:love ya
My mom has 2 dogs but they might as well be my family cause my moms always out with her boyfriend, I have the unfortunate luck of living with along with my mother because we can't stand on our own two feet. I get sucked from my thoughts at the sound of the teacher saying something about my daydreaming ,I apologize and try to focus on the work before me even through the rage. I pass through the rest of the day like a ghost and I get home and just throw myself at my dogs totally. They approach slow but lovingly they know my day has been..less than appealing I accept the pink tongues and large butts as peace offerings and affection. I feed them and go to feed myself and find my hopes deplenishing. I look at the hopeful eyes of the pups and feel relieved that at least they get to eat and that fills me. I curl up on the couch and cuddle my dogs and watch the walking dead on Netflix till I hear something outside. I get up and turn the tv off and head to the porch. I stick my head outside and hear it again, the sound was coming a ways up trail in my back yard leading in the Forrest at the base of the mountain. It was almost muffled cries or screams I couldn't tell but I hoped that death would claim the poor soul soon so it's suffering could end. I head back inside feeling sadness and uneasiness settle within me. I lay down snuggled between two big boarder collies and slowly drifting to sleep, feeling safe...for now.

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