Chapter 2

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November 6th

In the morning I untangled myself from a sea of sheets and stumbled out of my queen size mattress. I went down straits to find my mom was just now heading to bed. I shook my head and went about my routine to get ready for the day,I wasn't feeling all too lively this morning so I just threw on a sweatshirt and jeans and left to catch the bus. When at school the morning pasted like I hoped it would, fast and uninteresting,that is until 8th period right before the bell rung that released me from this concrete walled social experiment. I was keeping to myself like usual when I over heard two kids in the back. " dude do you know what tomorrow is??" The boy who I thinks name is Tyler, said. " naw what is it??" Said joe. "OMG it's the 7th don't you know what that means??" He whisper screamed. Joe leans in and says "um am I suppose to" tyler almost falls out of his chair"all our grandparents know this story, do I guess that every year on November 7th the veil into the realm of the woods leaders and it's creatures is lifted and 1 person is chosen by fate to enter to test there will and soul. If they past the test it is said they are the soul mate of that creature whine tested them,if one does not pass then that creature must wait till it is there turn again at a chance to find there forever love. " my mouth was hanging open and I sat there in my own thoughts that I didn't even hear the bell,the pounding of rain on the window suddenly brought me back to reality and I scurried out of the classroom to find the buses were long gone. Now I sat on the cold iron bench looking like a wet dog. I repeatedly called and called my mother and her boyfriend hoping one of them would answer. Did they? No of course not they never do. I looked at the time 3:00 on if I walk now I'll get home around 5-6,how great. I put my soaking hood up over my wet mangy looking hair and begun my walk home. I could feel something deep inside me urging me to quicken my pace but my legs just physically could move any more,I was about 3 miles into when I just couldn't move anymore. I took up safety at a near by giant oak tree. It's branches provided some cover from the drops but not a great deal of cover. I lay against the tree for a couple minutes before a huge wave of tiredness cane over me. I struggled to keep my eyes open and soon I was defeated and my lips fell slowly,blurring the view in front of me to black. I thought I was awake in the woods but,it was daylight and I knew that there was no way I slept all the way till morning. I walked forward trying to avoid the twigs and anything that would be loud. I walked with fluid grace as I went from tree to tree just smiling looking for spots for me to step. I soon found myself face to face with a small pond. I smiled and my feet took me there with no conscious thought. As I neared the waters edge I looked around,the towering trees outlined the rear of the pond also grey and brown colored rocks build a fortress around the back of the pond they climbed about 10 feet into the air around it. I slowly approached them,caressing the cold damp stone. It left streaks down my fingertips, I pressed my palm to them feeling the cold heat radiating from them,I closed my eyes letting the feeling seep into my memory. I noticed a small water fall cascading off the front spraying the rocks and making a very present dropping sound against itself. I sat on the edge of the rocks dangling my feet desperately trying to feel the touch of the water,a persons feet would have been able to touch the reflective surface of the pond but, being 5'1 that was something I was use to by now. I was about to get up when I lost my footing and tumbled off the Rocks and down the small mud hill at its side. Brushing myself off I stood and felt mud caressing every inch of my skin. My lips rolled into a grimace. I looked down at the water almost wary to trust what was below its shiny surface. I had come to a conclusion that I would dip down only for a second, as I was about to descend into the pond an snapping twig behind the rock wall ought my attention. I hastily looked around, catching a giant tree that had a hollowed out truck,the only evidence was the slight opening on its side. I sprinted to its side and slipping in I prayed that there were no spiders. I tried to focus and listen to who or what had approached. I listened and thenmore twigs snapped more than one person could snap while walking. " Paige where are you" a creamy deep voice yelled. It went against every fiber of my being to stay planted inside this tree. "Yes, ya freaking num nut. your a freaking werewolf I know you knew where I was so why ask you lazy ass??" Said a deep rich southern accent. I smelt the. Most amazing smells I think I had ever encountered the wind brought them to me,other wise I wouldn't of smelt it. I could only imagine it's some kind of cologne they were wearing. I wanted to so bad to run from here and see these men who made my knees weak but something told me to stay. I could now distinguish the sexy voices that surrounded me both were sting and powerful but ,one spoke in a kind royal way. His voice was smooth and deep,it surrounded me and made me feel powerful,it nipped at my skin beckoning me to its host. The other was deep,southern accent, I loveeeee a sounthern boy. This voice was calming and gentle yet strong and powerful too. His voice warmed me and made me feel safe. I closed my eyes listening them bicker like school children, fighting over who was the strongest. It didn't dawn on me that the man with the warming voice said the other was a werewolf. I stopped and thought for a minute. That can't be true,but it could be. I dreamed my whole life something like this Existed and here it is staring me in the face and I doubt it's reality. I gave into the calling of the voices at this moment. I squeezed myself from the tree ripping my leggings in the process, I stumbled out and looked up to find them men standing with there backs to me. The one on my left was tall and very muscular,he had brown hair but when the sun hit it you could see the red tint. His muscles were reflecting through his red shirt and his brown kaki pants hung low on his hips. The other man was the same height but only slightly less muscular in his arms. But his muscles in his back flexed as he adjusted his shoulders. His chestnut brown hair shimmered in the sunlight. He wore a black sweatshirt and green jeans and timberlands. I breathed slowly as I felt the warmth and power fill me just being in there presence. I stepped forward and stepped on a fallen branch. It snapped and my heart behaving to beat faster in my chest,my breath hitched as I feared to breath another gulp of air. I slowly looked up to see them in effected from the noice. I approached slowly,the closer I got I could tell they couldn't see me. They stood there taking I the beauty of the pond. I got so close the smells were intoxicating,I so badly wanted to be held in these sets of arms. I stepped forward and laid a hand on each of their shoulders at the same time. In that second I touched them I gasped for air when I opened my eyes the darkness was overbearing. I stood and looked around, no lake,no boys. I took a deep breath,no smell either. A sadness took over my body, as I realized I was dreaming the whole time.

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