The Truth is ... (A Severus Snape Fanfic - completed)

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Normal list of characters include:

Albus Dumbledore

Severus snape

Minvera McGonagall




Original Character:

Name: Andromeda Dumbledore

age: 16

school: Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

house: gryffindor

year: 6

Family: Albus Dumbledore (grandfather), Parents (unknown)

Description: Andromeda wears her long dark red hair in layers usually down. She has pale blue eyes. She usually wears jeans and t-shirt with band names on them unless she is wearing her school uniform which consists of a shirt , skirt and a tie with her house colors on it. She wears a long robe for classes along with military grade boots.

Personality: She is a very caring person. She tends to be very trustworthy and very loyal. She is also the kind of person who when she knows what she wants she gets it. She tends to be a bit forward and very outspoken and can have quite a temper is angered which is hard to do.

History: She doesn't know her parents and was raised by her grandfather

Love Interest: Severus Snape

Portrayed by : Kristen Stewart

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