Chapter 1 - Mistakes

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Mistakes are made all the time, some are meant to be repeated and some are meant to be learned from. Mistakes can happen on purpose or they can be purely accidently. Most mistakes are regrettable, some should have never happened and some are made with help. This particular mistake was made with the help of alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol. Andromeda Dumbledore groaned softly as she opened her eyes slowly. From the pain in her head she knew that she had too much to drink the night before. She pushed her messy dark red hair out of her face so she could looked around. The room was unfamiliar to her and try as she might she couldn't remember how she got here. She sat up only to discover that she was naked. She pulled the black silk sheet up to her chest before wrapping it around her body to stand up.
    She stood up slowly to keep the room from spinning. The room was dark except for a lit candle sitting on a desk on the opposite side of the room. She moved further into the room past the pile of clothes that lay by the bed. On the other side of the desk sat a man, but the shadows cast by the flickering candle made it impossible for her to see his face. Her curiosity would get the best of her eventually, but at the moment in time a different thought ran through her head. Despite her being the legal age, her grandfather would not approve of her behavior, especially in the school that he ran, if she was still in it. She turned back to the pile of clothes on the floor and began to pick up what was hers. She pulled on her t-shirt and then her underwear before dropping the sheet to the floor. What was the point of hiding her body, when the man behind the desk had already seen her naked. She slipped on her jeans before picking up her robes off the end of the bed.
    "Seems we have a problem, Miss Dumbledore" Andromeda paused in the middle of slipping on her robes, her blood turning cold. She knew that voice, it was a voice that had always caught her attention. A voice that sent a shiver down her back, even now.
    "Professor Snape" She turned to face him. He stood up, moving into the light so she could see that it was indeed him. Instead of wearing his normal black robes, he wore a black turtleneck and black slacks. His shoulder length black hair, which he normally kept loose was tied into a ponytail at the base of his neck. His pale skin seemed to glow in the light of the candle. She raised her light blue eyes to met his dark ones determined to show him she was neither afraid of him or ashamed of what happened the night before. "I would say we do." She spoke again, any hint of surprise was gone from her voice and her face. "So what do we do about it?" She challenged as she finished pulling her robe on and took a step closer to him.
    "Forget it happened." Andromeda watched Snape lower his gaze to the Gryffindor symbol on the breast pocket of her robe. "Just forget it" he whispered again.
    Tears formed behind her eyes but she refused to let him see that he had hurt her. She knew that they had shared something special last night and now he wanted to forget it. She watched his face for any hint that he might change his mind but it wasn't there. "Agreed" She turned to go.
    "Andromeda" Snape spoke her name softly. She stopped in her tracks, but didn't turn to face him. "Please speak to no one about this"
    "Afraid someone might find out you slept with a gryffindor" She snapped turning to glare at him. He didn't speak. "Don't worry Professor, you're secret is safe with me, no one will know you slept with a gryffindor. No one will know that it was me you slept with"
    "I'm not worried about if people know i slept with a gryffindor, its the ramifications I'm worried about" He replied coldly. Despite his cold demeanor and attitude at the moment, his eyes showed some concern, but she wasn't sure about what or even if she had seen the concern. He turned away so she couldn't see that he was concerned about something that he couldn't tell her about.
    "I get it you're afraid my grandfather would fire you for sleeping with a student or worse afraid he might harm you for sleeping with his granddaughter." Andromeda almost wanted to laugh, she had never known him to be afraid, in fact she has never known him to show any emotion other then being cold and maybe angry.
    "I am not afraid" Snape whirled around anger resting in his voice, "If i lose my job, i will simply get another. I am not concerned about Albus, he will simply let me walk away from all this, i have other concerned that are not yours to know, now get out"
    "Sir?" Andromeda softened the look on her face. Something was really bothering him and now she wanted to know. She moved to touch him, she wanted to help him, to make him see she wasn't afraid. He didn't move away as she touched his face softly. Her fingers running along his jaw before moving to his lips. He closed his eyes and grabbed her hand, his kissed her finger tips gently before realizing he was letting emotions get in the way. He pulled her hand away from him rather roughly.
    "Get out" He raised his voice as he turned away from her. He put his hands on his desk and leaned forward his back facing her.
    "Professor..." She started to speak.
    "I won't ask you again, Miss Dumbledore" His voice going even colder, sending a cold shiver up her back. "Get out"
    Andromeda turned and fled from the room. She closed the door to what she now knew was his private living quarters and leaned against it. She wiped away some tears that fell as she left the room. After what seemed like hours she finally left to return to her dorm room in Gryffindor tower.

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