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(Media pic is the triplets father)

Tani's POV

It had been two weeks since that girl attacked me in the school restroom. She had told the headmaster that I had threatened her, and while Tamaki's father didn't believe her, the majority of the students did. They avoided my brothers and I at all cost. Maybe that was a good thing.

Father had taken me to his room three more times in these two weeks. Tomo was beaten heavily for falling short of Father's expectations in training. Taro, on the other hand, was praised for doing so well, but he took it hard. His success hurt us, and our failures hurt him. It was a never-ending cycle.

Anyway, today was kind of special, I suppose. Today, Taro, Tomo, and I turned sixteen. It scared us, though. Father would be choosing which one of us would be his successor in just two more years.

"Children," said Father's voice. We had nearly made it out the door to go to school. We turned in unison to face him. "Come straight home after school today. I have a surprise for you, now that you are finally sixteen."

"Yes, sir," we said together, before turning and walking out to the limo. A surprise from Father could never be good. Last time he said that, well... I try not to remember those few days before Mom got us out.

School seemed to go as usual. People avoided us, glaring and wispering about us from across hallways and classrooms. The only unusual part thus far, was the Hitachiin twins loudly announcing our birthday to our first class. We kindly told them that it was just another day.

Finally, the final bell rang. We quickly packed our bags and headed for the door. Only to be stopped by the Hitachiin twins and Tamaki. The Hitachiin twins grabbed my brothers by the arms, running off with them towards music room three, while Tamaki grabbed my hand, pulling me along after them. The three of us were pushed into the Host Club room, which had been decorated with balloons, streamers, and tons of multi-colored confetti.

"Happy birthday," the Host Club shouted excitedly.

My brothers and I stood in shock. Why were they so insistent on being kind to us? Everyone else had no problem being jerks.

"Thank you, really," I said, trying to actually sound grateful. But Father wanted us home immediately.

"But we really can't stay," Taro added.

"Thanks, again, for everything," Tomo concluded. "But we need to get home."

"Oh, but you have to stay," Tamaki insisted. "We have cake, and games to play, and music! Everything is already set!"

"I'm sorry," I replied. "But we need to go home. Now."

"Please," Hunny begged, taking my hands in his tiny ones. "Just for a little while?"

I paused, staring at Hunny. I didn't want to say no to him, but we really did have to go home.

"A few minutes shouldn't hurt," Taro said finally. Even he should know better than to say things like that.

We had cake and talked about school with the Host Club. It was kind of fun. Even Mori made a few side comments. We evaded any questions about our home, and our father. It was easy to relax, finally feeling like I was among friends. I was just so tired, being that I never seemed to get a full night of sleep. I was almost asleep, when Taro, who I had been leaning against, stood up quickly. I had to catch myself so I didn't fall sideways.

"We really need to go," he said. I sighed. He was right. Father would be livid already, with just the short time we had stayed after. Tomo and I stood up next to him.

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