- ̗̀ eli-chi ̖́-

50 18 0

OHAYO!!! I'm Song_Magic ! ^•^

I live in London, England, but I'm more outside of it than inside it. I have two brothers, my parents, and my dog named Howard who I love so much! He does crazy stuff sometimes, like dumping his food out in the bushes if we buy another brand he's not used to! 😂

I've always loved writing stories, but I never dreamed of becoming a graphic artist! But I actually want to be a lawyer when I grow up! I don't know what type, though. 😂

I'm usually playing my favorite game, Love Live, reading, writing, or watching anime! My favorites are Fairy Tail, SAO, and some others!

I'm looking forward to all of the fun projects this account has ahead, and I'm so excited to be a part of it! ❤️

(lol I'm actually weirder than I sound 😂)WHOA WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FONT O_O

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