November 28.

28 3 2

"now you two be careful, alright?" their mother said. "make sure you stay away from the ice, it's not strong."
"yes mom, we got it, I'll keep an eye on her." tyler called out as he walked out the door after his little sister. she bounced her way down the driveway and her large boots dragged along the asphalt.
"ty! ty, hurry!" she called out behind her as she skipped into the forest.
"okay, macie, slow down!" he picked up his pace to catch up with her.

"macie?" he called out into the forest. "macie, where are you?"
"im at the pond! come look!" she called back from a distance."
"oh no.." he whispered to himself as he sped up and arrived at the pond.
macie was standing on the thin ice in the middle of the pond.
"macie!" he screamed at her. "macie, get back here it's not safe!"
she looked back at him with a surprised face. the fragile ice under her immediately broke and she fell under the ice.
the funeral was scheduled for that next friday.

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