Chapter 12

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Kyle POV:

Janna was here!

I was so relieved to see her after almost a month of being apart.

Yeah, sure we called and skyped and everything, but it's entirely different to actually feel and see the whole person and not just their neck up.

It was also nice to have someone who knows the situation and can reassure me. Yes the guys know and even Nora, but with guys you can't be very comforting without announcing every five minutes "no homo!" to each other. Nora on the other hand has been great, I just don't want to burden her with my problems, especially since we don't really know each other.

Visiting Dan was good though, and I'm glad Nora was there to keep me in check. She may have not known, but with Dan's groggy movement's and the hard time he has to complete a full sentence has annoyed me.

Yes. I know he's suffered a freaking stroke, but not seeing your mate at his fullest really puts a damper on your mood.

I've talked to Janna a bit about this, to which she says she completely understands, but still. It's hard.

Janna and Nora seem to get along pretty well. At first I could tell Janna wasn't too thrilled about me being so close with another girl, but she soon realized Nora and myself had no intentions of being that kind of close.

Isla, Dan's mum, on the other hand is still kind of cold around her. She's still nice of course, but you could tell she was more skeptical toward Nora, wanting to know her full intentions.

We all left to the hotel again. Isla was worried to leave her boy behind in the hospital so Nora volunteered to stay back saying, "I have no other plans for today anyways and I have this book I've wanted to read for ages." She also made sure we knew that she would call us for any sort of change, any at all. After all that convincing, Isla reluctantly agreed and made sure Nora had all of our numbers just in case.

Even though it's only been a day really, I knew I could completely trust Nora. I'm usually not that gullible, but there's just something about her that I'm pretty sure all of us can feel.

The drive to our hotel was only twenty minutes. We got more rooms, well really just two more. We were just planning on staying one or two nights, but we know now we're going to be in this city for a while longer.

Will and Woody got another room, while Janna moved in with me in our old room, and that left Isla with her own room.

Janna and I walked into the empty flat. Silence filled the area. Not an awkward silence, more like a somber silence then anything.

Janna walked behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Get some sleep, babe."

I nodded. She was right, I did need sleep. I haven't slept since yesterday before all this madness happened.

Yesterday. One day was all it took to change everything.

"I'm gonna try to sleep too, that plane ride was not the best and they didn't even have good food!" Janna added, trying to lighten the mood.

I gave her a small smile in return, but soon went back to my blank stare.

She sighed and pulled me to the bed, laying both of us down on top of the covers. She laid her head on my chest and snuggled to my side.

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