Kehlan and Westley: Part One, The Note

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As we walked to his locker I tried to let go of Kehlan’s hand.  I saw the vice principal patrolling the halls and I knew that if we were caught publically displaying affection then we’d both be in trouble.  But when I tried to let go he just held on tighter.

“It’s okay,” Kehlan whispered to me.  “He won’t notice.”

                He was right, we walked right past him and not a single word was said.  I guessed that he was too busy looking for boys and girls holding hands rather than boys and boys to even see us.

“Told you.”  Kehlan whispered to me again.

“Yes you did.”  I looked up at him and smiled.  He smiled back which made his stunning blue eyes stand out even more than they already did.  I was so distracted by his angelic face that when we reached his locker I almost ran straight into it.  Kehlan gave a little laugh at my expense and let go of my hand so that he could do his combination.

“I have something for you,” He said as he opened his locker.  “But don’t read it just yet.” He handed me a piece of paper that was sloppily folded into a square.

“Uh, okay.  When should I read it then?”

“In third period.”


Just then our friend Jillian walked up to us.

“Hey.”  She muttered under her breath.

“Hey.”  Kehlan replied to her in a happy tone and wove his fingers back in between mine as he shut his locker.  Jillian glanced at our hands and couldn’t help but smile too.  She knew about us, pretty much everyone did.  Well, except for the school staff, not that they would ever notice.  They’re in denial about there being same sex couples at our school.  Neither did our parents of course, we would never tell them.  The point I’m trying to make is that every student pretty much knew, all of our friends and peers.  Kehlan practically shouted it to the world, he said it was because he was proud that I was his and that he wanted everyone to know so that they wouldn’t try to steal me.  As if anyone would even try.  It’s not like I was shy about telling people about us, I was proud to be with him too, I just didn’t announce it as much as he did.

“Where are you going?”  Jillian asked Kehlan.


“Oh yeah, that’s right, you’re in Cami’s class.


“Okay.  Westley, you ready to go to gym?”

“Yeah, sure.”  I put the note in my pocket and felt the sudden urge to know what was written on it.  I peered back at Kehlan who shot me a look that seemed to say ‘I-know-what-you’re-thinking-but-you-have-to-wait.’

“Ready?”  Jillian asked me again already knowing the answer.

“Yeah, I got to go too.”  Kehlan sighed looking at the stair case.  He then leaned down and kissed my cheek before ambling to Spanish class and Jillian and I walked to gym.

She didn’t actually have to go to the gym sense it wasn’t her class but she hated having to go to Ballroom right away, so she would always walk with me to the fitness room sense it was just across the hall.

“I’m so glad you guys are finally together.”  She mentioned as we walked.

                Kehlan and I had been friends forever but we had only been going out for two months.

“Yeah, me too.”  I blushed, as if I could help it.  I always did when I thought of him and I.  “Hey, do you know the Narwhal song?”  I got off topic.

“The what?”

“The Narwhal song God damn it!”

“Uh… No.”

“Narwhals!  Narwhals!  Living in the ocean!  Causing the commotion!  Narwhals!  Narwhals!  Pretty big and pretty white!  They beat a polar bear in a fight!  Narwhals!  Narwhals!  With a big pretty horn!  Just like a unicorn!”  I sand and swayed my hips from side to side while Jillian chuckled.

“Okay, well I’ve got to go to class.”

“See you!”

                As Jillian walked into her dance class I strolled into the fitness room.  It was where my gym class met every day before the bell, a small, cramped room filled with fitness equipment.  As soon as I opened the door I could hear my friends the voices of my friends Matt, Timmy, and Caio screaming and laughing about the stupid shit that has happened so far.

“Hey Westley!”  Caio waved me over to the corner where they were all standing.  I could never put my finger on it but I always felt like there was something off about Caio, and I was never sure what it was.  It bugged me, what was he hiding?

“Hey.”  I replied and went on to joke around.

                Class went by normally, everyone yelling and jumping around, our gym teacher telling us to settle down, strange looks from across the room from our buddy Zane, I hadn’t even thought about the note in my pocket until I started walking to third period.  I was so exited that I could finally read it!  I wondered what it said, knowing Kehlan it was probably a love note with some cute-yet-corny song lyrics that he either heard or made up.  He was always doing sweet things like that, it made me really happy that he was mine.

                I slumped into my third period math class and sat down in my seat in the back of the room.  As I got out my unfinished math homework I could feel the piece of paper that Kehlan gave me in my pocket.  I burned with anticipation, I was so anxious to read the note that it felt hot against my jeans, my leg was practically on fire.  I had to read it now.

                My math teacher Mr. Jolly walked in and immediately everyone could tell that he was not in a good mood, not that he ever was.  Despite his name Mr. Jolly wasn’t very jolly.

“Everyone get out your homework from last night!”  He bellowed and stammered to the front of the class.  I wrote down some random numbers on my worksheet instead of actually doing the math and hoped for the best.

                I couldn’t take it anymore.  I slowly reached into my pocket and grabbed the note.  I tried to open it without crinkling the paper too much so no one would know what I was doing.  Mr. Jolly had a strict rule about notes, and whatever it said I sure as hell didn’t want everyone knowing.

                As Mr. Jolly gave us the answers to the homework I didn’t bother to write any of them down, it was his job to correct them anyways.   Instead I started to read the crumpled paper in my lap.  I thought it would be a simple love letter.  Just an ‘I love you,’ or ‘I’m so happy I’m with you,’ or something of that nature.

But no.

Scribbled across the sheet of paper in Kehlan’s own sloppy hand writing was something I couldn’t have imagined him saying to me or anyone else.

“Meet me in the eighth grade bathroom.”

                I reread the note over and over again until it didn’t even seem like words anymore.  Finally I crumpled it back up and shoved it into my pocket.  I thought about what Kehlan could really mean by that, I was sure he wasn’t planning on doing what I imagined he was.  Then I filled out my hall pass and began to walk to the eighth grade bathroom.

Kehlan and Westley:  Part One, The NoteWhere stories live. Discover now