Kehlan and Westley: Part Two, The Bathroom

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With my hall pass in one hand I staggered to the eighth grade bathroom.  Oh God, I was nervous, I was actually nervous about this.  I knew Kehlan, this didn’t seem like something he would do, but what if it was?

                Kehlan claimed that he was in love with me, that he would do anything for me and to be with me, but we had only been dating for two months.  Holding hands was the most of what we’d done, it made me tingle with excitement.  It was really exciting holding hands with someone who I could really connect with, but it still wasn’t enough for me or him.  Sure, we had already had our first kiss, but it was more like a peck, not a real kiss.  The idea of Kehlan feeling the same way I did made me anxious to find out the answer.

                I stood in front of the bathroom and starred at the little stick figure defining boys.  I tried to imagine him as Kehlan, but that just made me more anxious and the shock of it all shot through my body like lightning.  The shock that this all might happen, right now.  I was so tense I couldn’t move, but I didn’t want to wait anymore, I wanted to know what he really meant.  With each step I took I felt more unsure.  What if I was wrong?  What if this wasn’t what he wanted, what if this wasn’t a romantic meeting… What if it was the opposite?  That thought made me stop dead in my tracks.  I could hear Kehlan breathing on the other side of the wall.  I tried to regain my normal personality and kept walking.

                There he was, leaning against the wall next to the urinals, not exactly the most romantic picture ever, but the fact that he was there waiting for me made me feel special.  He wouldn’t have ever done that for someone else, only me.  Take that all of the girls that threw themselves at him.  As soon as he saw me he smiled his crooked smile and shook his dark brown hair out of his face, revealing his crystal clear blue eyes.  Everything about his face was amazing, absolute perfection, it made me swoon every time I saw him.

“There you are,” Kehlan walked over to me and kissed me on the top of the head.  “I was hoping you’d come.”

“Of course.”  I smiled back at him.  The face that I loved to look at so much was covered by my own sandy blonde hair, so I whipped it out of my face too see it better.

                Kehlan slipped his hands around my waist and pulled my closer to him.  There it was again, that feeling of bliss, and a slight blush at my cheeks from being so close.  He bent down lower and kissed my nose.  The minute his lips touched my face, the blush began to spread.  He looked to me, then down to my lips.  I began to slowly get closer to standing on my toes as his face got closer to mine and within a second, we were already kissing.  Not only kissing but our first true kiss, a kiss with feelings.  The electrifying spark of both love and lust.  I could feel Kehlan’s tongue pressing against my teeth, begging for an entrance, and I was more than happy to welcome him in.

                We stayed like that for a while.  Simple kissing, every so often he would pull me closer against him and I couldn’t help but squeeze tighter around his shoulders with pleasure.  I was so caught up in the moment that I hadn’t noticed exactly how excited we both were getting.  Once I realized what was happening to me I stopped and looked up at Kehlan.  He looked back at me with that knowing look of his, he always seemed to know what I was thinking.

“It’s okay,” He whispered softly. ”I’m here for you, just trust me a little.”  He pushed back my hair and began to kiss my neck over and over, which didn’t help my excitement.

Kehlan pushed all of his weight against me and pushed us both against the wall.  I began to breath heavy and let myself enjoy what was happening.  That’s when I heard someone out near the halls.  I jerked my head to the side and I recognized the figure of one of one of the hall monitors.  I covered my own mouth to not make any sound, but it seemed like I was too late because they began to walk into the bathroom.  Kehlan noticed as well.  He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into the closest stall, being careful to shut and lock the door quietly so that they couldn’t hear it shut.  He pulled me up onto his lap as he sat down so that it didn’t seem like there were two people in the bathroom.  As I looked at him he put his finger to his lips and signaled for me not to talk.  I peered through the little crack in between the door and the wall of the stall to see the hall monitor searching the bathroom for any sign of life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2012 ⏰

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