Chapter Four

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It had been two weeks since I met her. The girl that flipped my world upside-down. The morning after our first fuck was eye opening. I realized that I didn't want her to leave. I found sneaky ways to invite her over, never being blunt. She always came, and it always ended in sex or some form of sexual activity.

I know deep down that it would never be more than that, but that was okay. She almost always fell asleep in my arms, and she never immediately left afterwards.

I guess you could say we were friends. Friends that enjoyed touching each other's naked bodies.

Not weird at all.

It was a Saturday night, and I just got home from a gig with my band. They were all at my place trying to find a movie to watch, when I got a text message from a certain someone.

paige: 'still up for hanging out tonight? it's still early and i have a surprise for you ;) xx'

I bit my lip, looking down at the phone for a good five minutes before responding.

me: 'a surprise? cant wait ;) the only problem is that my friends are here right now... three of them ugh'

paige: 'fivesome???? haha kidding. we could always just chill?'

me: 'sure? only if you want, dont wanna make things awkward lol'

She wanted to come and hang out with my friends and I. I wasn't sure what to think. Of course, I would love for her to come and chill with us, but did this mean that we were more than just fuck buddies? Or am I just being naive? Maybe she wants to be just friends. Friends with benefits.

The guys had picked out Finding Nemo, being the lame asses they were. I sat back and looked at my phone. Paige said she would be over in ten minutes. "Guys?" Only one of them turned towards me, the others talking about something else.

"What is it, Michael?" Luke asked me, looking up from his phone. He was always on that damn thing.

"D'you think we should order a pizza? I have another friend coming over." I yawned stretched, trying to seem casual. Ashton and Calum looked up at my words, watching me with frowns.

"You invited someone else? You little shit!" Calum screamed, throwing the remote at me. I dodged it with a laugh and I nodded. He glared at me, but soon a sly grin creeped onto his face. "What's his name?" he said, folding his arms. I looked at their waiting faces and felt a blush coming on.


It was barely a whisper, but they all heard it. They joined hands and jumped up and down like little girls. I watched them from the couch, shaking my head. "Dickheads," I mumbled. I pulled out my cell, texting Paige.

me: 'what do you like on your pizza?'

She responded quickly. Apparently, there wasn't a topping she didn't like. THe boys were calm now, asking me questions about how I met her, how long I've known her, and other stuff like that. I rolled my eyes and answered every question they shot at me. I admitted to having sex with her multiple times, and doing other things, but I told them that we were just friends with benefits.

Because that's all we were.

There was a knock at the door, and all the boys raced to get it. I, of course, remained on the couch, pretending to watch the opening credits of Finding Nemo. I could smell her perfume, the one I was very used to. I could hear her introduce herself to all of them, and ask where I was. Next, there were footsteps.

"Hi Michael!"

I grinned and stood up, walking towards her with my arms outstreched. She hugged me, making me weak. "Hello," I fake yawned with a small smile. "I was just about to order some pizza. We're watching a movie."

She nodded and sat down, putting her feet up on my coffee table. Luke and Ashton came in and sat down, sitting on either side of Paige. I took a seat on the opposite couch, sitting with Calum. He had his phone out, sending a text to someone. I looked towards Paige, nearing drooling as much as Ashton was. Her red hair was up in a ponytail. She was wearing absolutely no make-up, but wore a baggy t-shirt and space-print leggings. She was so gorgeous.

"Finding Nemo?" She giggled at the television. Luke nodded and dialed the pizzaria on his cell, propping his head up on his elbow. He ordered our pizza, which arrived twenty minutes later. By that time, we had forgotten the movie, and we were playing UNO.

"You fucking suck at this game," Paige laughed at me. I stuck up my middle finger at her, causing her to laugh even more. "You're just a sore loser, Mike," she mumbled. "UNO!"

I scoffed, throwing down my cards. "Fuck you all. I'm going outside for a smoke."

I got up and walked to the front door, taking a cigarette from the box that was on the counter and pulling a small purple lighter from my pocket. I walked out the front door and stood on my porch in my sweater, placing my cig in between my lips and lighting it. It was beautiful outside, with snow covering nearly everything. It wasn't snowing very hard at the moment, but it was still coming down. It was gorgeous how it sparkled on the pavement and how it looked almost warm and soft because of the moonlight reflecting off it. Winter was always my favorite season, though almost nobody knew why. I kept a lot to myself. I didn't trust very many people, besides my bandmates of course. I've actually been beginning to think I trusted Paige... I was falling for her, and I knew it, but I just wasn't ready to admit it yet.

"Help me out here?"

Paige was next to me. She must have snuck up behind me while I was lost in my thoughts. She stood in a brown winter jacket, a cigarette hanging from her mouth. I nodded, taking a drag from my own before lighting hers. She gave a curt nod and looked out towards the street. "Beautiful, isn't it," she mumbled softly. I smiled. Sometimes I thought she could read my mind.

"It is."

I felt her head on my shoulder as she leaned on me and a shiver ran down my spine. We were always intimate like this. It was cute. The sex though, was always rough or purely sexual. I'm not complaining, but it would be nice to have something more.

I glanced down at her, throwing down my cigarette and stepping on it. She had snowflakes caught in her eyelashes and in the little pieces of hair that were hanging in her face. She was perfect. Absolutely perfect. In that moment, she looked up at me, dropping her own cigarette.

I just couldn't help myself.

I bent down and kissed her softly on the lips, turning and holding her in my arms. She was hesitant, but kissed me back, my chapped lips moving in sync with her minty chapstick lips. It was a bit unusual, because we never kissed like this. We were never gentle when it came to kissing or touching, but this was different. It was soft and made me weak in the knees. Her arms were wrapped around my neck and mine rested around her wait, holding her close.

It was wonderful.

Suddenly, I was hit in the side with a snowball. I pulled away from Paige, looking around angrily, and saw Calum standing on the sidewalk with his eyes wide and hands in the air. The other two were snickering; they knew what was coming next. I never lost a snowball fight, and Calum started one at the wrong time. "Just friends?" He said with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows. Paige blushed but grinned, running to Ashton, waving her hands in the air.

She shouted loudly, "SNOWBALL FIGHT!"

I took action, moving to the nearest snowbank. I quickly made a snowball, whipping it at Calum's head, and made another, throwing it at Paige, who hid behind Luke. Let's just say, I didn't miss either time...

All through our game, between all the laughing, there was one question I couldn't get out of my head.

Why didn't Paige pull away, and why was it such a gentle kiss? Was she just not in the mood, or was there something more behind it?


Hope you like the update! I'm probably going to update again soon, just not tonight, because I'm loaded full of homework and such. Can we get this to 1000 reads by the time I update again? I think we can. xx

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