Chapter Seven

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(Paige's POV)

Michael and I were cuddled up the the couch. His arm was around me and my legs were pulled up to my chest. I leaned into him calmly, enjoying the way he smelled, the way he felt, the way he sounded when he breathed. My intention was to pay attention to pay attention to the episode of Doctor Who we had playing, but I couldn't. My only need was to be as close to Michael as humanly possible.

"Are you falling asleep on me?" He chuckled, pulling me onto his lap. I giggled and shook my head.

"Just thinking," I said back, closing my eyes. My head was on his chest, and I could hear his heartbeat. It was strong and steady, like a drum.

"Are you bored?" He sounded a little concerned, and I just laughed. I shook my head gently, wrapping my arms around his torso and looking up at him. He gave a small smile and put his hands in my hair. "You're beautiful," he whispered.

I could feel a knot form in my throat. It had been so long since a guy said that to me and actually meant it. I knew for fact now; I love Michael Clifford. Only, I couldn't let him see. Their relationship was so fucked up already that any other tension might make everything collapse. They were fuck buddies, and if I tried to make it more, it might ruin us. Besides, this isn't the first time this has happened. "T-thank you," I choked out quietly, looking down. He laughed, not catching how uncomfortable I actually was. Fortunately, my cell phone rang from it's spot on the table. Michael's eyes were wide as I jumped up to answer it: my ringtone was recording of him singing. I listened to him from outside the door one morning while he thought I was sleeping.

"Hello?" I shouted into the phone when I got to the kitchen table.

"Paige?? It's Ashton!"

I giggled, as he was screaming back at me. 'Ash,' I mouthed to a curious Michael on the couch. He nodded.

"What's up?" I asked him. Ashton never really called me. He always texted me, so my immediate reaction was that something bad happened. My thoughts were proved wrong.

"I was wondering if me and the others could come hang? Michael's there right?"

I mumbled a yeah into the phone, blushing.

"We'll bring food," he said happily. I could hear Calum in the background saying something, and a voice that sounded like a girl, but I couldn't understand any of it.

"And beer," I yawned and hung up.
I tossed my phone back on the table and went back to Michael, falling roughly onto him with a grunt, putting my head in his lap. "The guys are coming with food and beer," I told him. He laughed and nodded, staring down at me. I squinted up towards him, crossing my arms. "What're you staring at, ass butt?"

He made a face of fake shock, gasping. "Such crude language!" I rolled my eyes , and then shut them. "You better apologize," he mumbled sarcastically. I violently shook my head, staying as still as possible. He clicked his tongue, and I could feel him move a bit under me. "Well... you can't say I didn't warn you."

I had no idea what he meant, and I had no time to find out. He pushed me onto the couch and tickled my stomach.

I opened my eyes and tried to wiggle away from him, laughing loudly. "STOP, PLEASE," I shouted between breaths. He grinned wickedly, moving his hands all around my body, each time making me laugh more than the first. I couldn't take it, and rolled off the couch. I crawled as fast as I could. However, I made the mistake of glancing over my shoulder to see if he bothered following me. he was crouched on the end of the couch, and leaped off like a frog, landing with a crash next to me.

I giggled and tried to stand, but he grabbed my foot and pulled me back to him.

He went back to tickling me, ignoring my protests. I yelled and kicked, but he had a strong grip and he was laying on me. Slowly, he stopped, and our laughs slowed as well.

He stared down at me with those gorgeous eyes of his, making me shiver. He leaned down and placed his lips upon mine softly, his hand resting on my stomach. I loved it when he kissed me like this, though he's only ever done it once before: that night out in the snow, on his porch. When he kissed me so gently, my brain screamed, and my body is alert, feeling every single touch. My nerves skyrocket, and it's the best thing I've ever experienced. My eyes fluttered shut and I brought my head up, gripping his arms.

I nearly started crying there on the floor. The feeling of him being so close to me with his large hands and soft lips made me tremble, and I never felt so overwhelmed by one person. I'm a hurricane of emotions, and Michael was in the center of the storm. Slowly, he slipped his hand under my shirt, putting it over my bra, which happened to be bright blue and polka-dotted. He caught my bottom lip between his teeth with a tiny laugh, which received a desperate whimper from me.

Much too soon for my liking, our quiet was interuppted by Ashton walking through the door. He stopped suddenly when he saw me and Michael, causing everyone behind him to bump into him. He had a smirk plastered on his face, and a case of my favorite beer in his hand.

"Oh, don't mind us, please, continue," he said with a wink. He walked into the kitchen with the beer, revealing the crew behind him. Of course, Luke and Calum, but there was a girl with them as well. Michael helped me up and gave me an apologetic smile. His face was bright with a blush. I looked at my friends and noticed Luke was standing unusually close to the girl. He looked directly at me, giving me a look I can't describe. I knew he had something he needed to say.

I was closest to Luke out of all of them, besides Michael, of course. I was older than him, and he just trusted me, I guess. He told me everything. Well, almost everything. He was hiding something about this girl.

"Hello," I said to her, walking towards them, Calum had Chinese take-out for everyone besides me. I hate Chinese food, and I saw they made a stop at McDonald's for me. Luke shifted uncomfortably, looking down.

"Hi," she said with a smile, waving.

I smiled back, feeling the awkwardness level in the room rise. "Um... no offence, but who are you?"

Luke came to her rescue, finally speaking. "This is Blair," he mumbled, nodding his head to her. Ashton came out of the kitchen just then and grinned. He went to the couch and sat, starting taking out the food. 

"Blair is his girlfriend," he said teasingly, making her blush. I raised my eyebrows and Luke shrugged.

"Well you're welcome here anytime. I'm Paige, but I guess you already knew that," I mumbled. She nodded.

This was going to be an interesting night.



except her real name is jenna mcdougall and i love her bye

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