chapter 5

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Catherine's POV

A sharp pain in my head woke me up.I felt woozy and for a moment the whole room seemed to spinning around.I stinked and I tried with all my might to sit up.I managed to get up a little and then fall back again.I tried again and again and finally managed to get self support.Last night might have been a disaster.
'You woke up?' 'How did I get home?' 'You were blind drunk last night.Are you aware of that?' 'Yeah I know that.But tell me how did I reach?' 'He was a tall guy,with deep eyes and mastered body.His voice was cold yet magical.Remember Dustin Hyde?The guy I told you about that day' 'No,I don't remember' 'What?you don't? Anyway he was on his way here to meet me and it so happened that he saw you highly drunk in the streets.He couldn't just let you walk home drunk like that.Anything couldn't have happened to you.So he helped you reach home' 'Okay,tell him Thanks for me' 'I'm sure you know him,He told me that you were his benchmate'
Dustin Hyde- The guy I saw in my dreams,My benchmate,The guy I quarelled with,The guy whose face I couldn't get away with,The guy who helped me reach home,Barbara's close friend.
I couldn't believe that he was the one Barbara had been talking about all this time.Her words for the first time overwhelmed me so much and I couldn't contain the happiness inside of me.I felt a smile appearing in my face.
'What's with all that reaction?'
'Ah!Did I overreact? Actually its nothing,just shocked that he turned out to be your friend' Hahaha,she laughed
'Infact,we are more than friends. We both have that special feeling for one another but we just can't admit it.He cares for me the most,even more than Kobe does.But surely he'll own up someday.And I'm impatiently waiting for that day' 'Really? that's good'
'I see a different side of you this morning.Where are those powerful and cruel words of yours.Wait..wait..The mention of his name has made your face go pale.Does he have any kind of a special impact on you?If yes,You should better be aware that,THAT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN' She stormed at me.Yes.For the first time Barbara seemed superior and I was like an innocent cat.
I tried my best to be the same old me,Cruel and harsh.
'What did you sa..' She cut me off
'Shh..Just kidding,now get up and cool down your mind a little.'
She headed to the door and turned back again 'And he also told you not to drink too much and.....umm..Nothing,Bye'
She swallowed her words.He told me something else but she didn't tell me.
But I was happy.So happy that I wanted to scream out loud.
We are more than friends.That concluded the short sweet moment of happiness.
Why are there always blocks of hurt and pain when my life finally come to a realisation that I have finally found a reason to be happy about in life.
I layed down in my bed again.
'Barbara,Barbara,Barbara,You are really a devil disguised as an angel.I actually think that I was born to hate you'
I got up and took a fresh bath.My day ended with thoughts of Dustin Hyde,filling my mind and it made me remain functionless the whole day.

Thank you so much for reading!
Happy hours ahead.☺☺

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