Chapter 9

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At the house...

"Hi, mom!"

"Jane! oh. You brought a friend."




Kathryn embraced Jane's mom and went with Jane upstairs.

Kat: so are you ready?

Jane: yep. Totally

Kat: okay. You better enjoy this.

Jane: of course

Laughters filled the room of different looks but somehow it became quiet. Hours took the time.

Jane knew what's the best thing to do and she finally opened her eyes to everyone, even to herself.

The next day.....


Jane's POV

Why is everybody staring at me?

Hello? Is there something wrong.

Woah, I've never seen something like this before.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Oh my gosh, is that Jane?

I think so.. but she never wear that kind of clothes...EEWW!

She's always a lozer!

Yah, she is...


It seems different... Hmm, why does everyone act so different???

C'mon! I didn't do something!


I ran away. I don't wanna be in public, but I need to go to school.

Carmen: Jane? Is that you?

I was stunned....thinking of something.

Carmen: Jane!

and then I realized Carmen was calling me......

"Wait. What?-"

Carmen slapped me.



Oh jeez! Is that her?

"You look"


"Yah. How do you know?" I said with a shocking voice.

"Well, my mom forced me to dress up like this even though I don't want to."


"Yeah. How bout you?"

"Uhmmm. I just did a little makeover for myself. Hehe"

"Oh. Nice" :)

"By the way, why did you slap me?"

"oh, that. Well, you woudln't look. So I slapped you hard on the face."

"Is that really necessary?"


I nod my head.

"C'mon let's go."

We were on the hallway when we saw Jason. Full of bruises. What! Full of bruises?!

Who? Jason?!

Jason stopped in the middle of the hallway. Well, for the nerds, we have our own hallway. The one that's dark and know. The different ones.

"Jason?!" I exclaimed.

"Jane?" he said hesitantly.

"Is that you?"

"Of course. It's me."

"You look different," he said while he smirks.

"Yah. You too. Your face is-"

"Don't ask it."

"What happened?" I said touching his face.

"Why do you have bruises?"

"It's nothing."

"Is Carmen-"

"Yah. It's me." Carmen said.

"Why is everybody changing so fast?"

"You did change." I sakd to him looking from his foot upto his face.

"How can you say so?" he asked looking straight into my eyes.

"You wouldn't talk to me when we were on the last grades!"

"That's not true!"

"Really?! Prove it!"

I heard several footsteps going in our direction.

Uh-oh. You're in so much trouble Jane. This news will easily spread i n the whole campus.

"I have to go-"

"Ehem!" Carmen cleared her throat.

"Uh, WE have to go Jason. Sorry."

"Wait." Jason grabbed my wrist with a tight grip.

"Don't leave me. I- I can't do it anymore, Jane. I cannot lose you again."

"Jason, we really really need to go and what happened?"

"Why? Do you care about them?" He said looking at the other students watching the whole scene.

"C'mon, Jane. You're better than them.... Nothing. Nothing happened."

He pulled me closer to him.

"Jane!" Carmen whispered.

At the very moment, when my face was inches away from Jason's, I can't hear anything. I can't even move.

"Jason," I muttered.

"I'm sorry."

I pushed him hard on his chest.

"Carmen. Let's go."

His eyes were focused on me while we walked away from him, as well as the other people.

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