Chapter 7

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Zendaya POV
I woke up feeling like shit thinking about when D came in here yesterday and I never did call Khayman back last night so I guess I'll call him now.
"Khayman?" I asked as he answered
"Oh hey baby, wassup?"he said all nervous and shit
"Nothing I was just wondering do you wanna hang out in a few at your place if that cool?" I said biting the inside of my cheek
"Umm yeah sure, how about in 30mins?" He said
"Yeah ok just send me your address and I'll be there"
"Ok bye babe" he said and hung up quick
"Well that was weird" I mumbled to myself but I don't pay it no mind.
I go take a shower, makeup and get dressed and go downstairs.
"I don't even want breakfast" I say to myself.
After I decided I didn't want breakfast, I got dressed cause its gonna take a while to get to khaymans house.

1 hour later...
I pull up in Khayman's driveway and there is a Matte black Mercedes Benz in his yard, with a tag saying "boop". I walk up to his door and his door is cracked so I push it open a little and I knock and yell "KHAYMAN!! ITS ME ZENDAYA!!" And I get no reply.. But I hearing moaning and groaning of a girls voice... I follow the sound and it upstairs in his room.... I put my ear to the door and all I hear I " yes, papi, HARDER!!" So I bust in...
"No, baby it's not what it looks like." He said getting off the bed covering his self up with the cover while the girl just sits there scared.
"WHO IS THIS BITCH ANYWAYS?" I yelled getting closer to her.
"Baby she was just leaving... CALM DOWN!!" He said
"NAH I AINT DOING SHIT!!LOSE MY NUMBER AND EVERYTHING!!WERE DONE !!! With that I stormed out his house and ran to me car and drove home crying my eyes out...

Full Court: D'anglelo RusselWhere stories live. Discover now