Skipping Meetings

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(One thing before we start I also posted this one shot on Fnafiction.Net)

Summary - Mathew skipping a meeting then getting called out by Ludwig. Which leads to Mathew missing more meetings just to piss off Ludwig (and slightly for the attention Ludwig gives him). Oneshot

Disclaimer - I don't own hetalia.

-Germany's pov-

I couldn't believe he had done it again. This was fifth meeting Matthew had skipped in a row. He's doing it on purpose just to annoy me. I know he is.

"Ludwig the meetings over" Italy said patting me on my head and snapping me out of my thoughts.

Oh god, the meetings over and I didn't take any notes. My boss is going to kill me. But that's when I noticed my notepad. Write dap in the middle of the page was a canada flag. A canada flag! Ugh I have to see him.

-Time skip to infront of canada's house-

There I stood outside of Matthew's house departing knocking on the door. This all made me remember the last time I was here.


After the meeting I drove to Matthews house. He wasn't at the meeting and I wanted to call him out.

-Time skip to Matthew opening open the door-

"Oh.... Hello Germany" Mathew said confused as to why I was outside his house.

"Hello Canada, I would like to say it was very unprofessional of you to not go to the world meeting. Especially since you were the host country" I stated.

"Ah, Shut up Ludwig. No one notices me anyways" He said rather rudely.

"But I noticed" I said.

"Eh, you're right you did" Mathew said smirking. Then out of know wear the boy pulled me towards him in a rough kiss. I couldn't help but kiss back.

-Present time-

I was brought out of my thoughts by a Canadian shaking me. "What brings you hear Lud?"

"Go out with me" I blurted out.

Instead of answering me Mathew brought me down into a kiss and pulled me inside.

-The End-

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