Chapter 1: First Encounters

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A/N sooo starting another story none of this true which is kinda sad cuz its gonna be cute as fuck anywayy just enjoy oh and btw the story is only gonna be in present tense for the first chapter of Coles Pov and also Jacobs pov.

Coles pov

Hi, im cole. Im a little awkward teenager who is into bands, especially fucking Twenty-one pilots. Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun are sooo fucking hoottt. Oh, and did i mention that im gay? Yeaaa, ha speaking of me being gay, here comes Jacob Lackley, The cutest boy at the school. Sometimes i wish i was popular and he was gay cause id get all on that. Oh my god he smells so good. Holy shit i so want him. Ill never have a chance.

So i have like 5 classes with Jacob this year and he sits next to me in every single one cuz his last name just so happens to be close to mine. Ugghh i hate thiiss. THE UNIVERSE IS TESTING ME!! I just cant get him out of my head, gggrrrr. im just not gonna pay him any attention at all. what am i saying? That aint gonna work. FUUCCKK!!!

Of course in one of our classes we have to do a project over our summer, BULLSHIITT. Oh great, partners. Ooooo i see Eliza my bestiiee. Maybe i can be partners with herr. Shit we cant pick. WAIT. that means i may have to be with the person next to me or behind me. shit... Its Jacob.

Well this is gonna be fun. "hey." oh shit he talked.

"uh.. h..hi" well id like to not be an awkward weirdo for once. Oh god hes giggling at me. is this good or bad??? ehhhh i dont know what to do. Well this is gonna turn out shitty.

Jacob's pov

Hey, sup, im Jacob, im like the most popular dude at my school. I love Twenty-one pilots which is weird cuz all the popular guys come into the parking lot blaring rap music. Not me though, its twenty one pilots. maybe its because im gay. Dont tell anyone though cuz only my best friend Matt, and my mom knows. i dont really think i can trust anyone else with that secret.

Today's the first day of school. Of course there is a project to do about our fucking summer. That shit sucks ass. Well, maybe i can pick my own partner. Nope, nevermind then. Hey wait, this kids kinda cute. OH MY GOD HES WEARING A TWENTY ONE PILOTS SHIRT. I gotta talk to this kid, "hey."

"uh.. h..hi," oh my god thats so cute, i just had to giggle. Okay... awkward silence, this is cool i guess. "i love love love your shirt." I had to say something. That works i guess.

Looks like i have a few classes with this kid. I sit next to him in all of them too. This... might be a good year. I need to get this kids number before class starts. "Hey, cole is it?"

"uhm... yea."

"whats your number, cause you know, we are partners on a project in a few classes."

"oh yea... here"


Wait why did he already have this written down? Ahh, fuck it. I'm just gonna finish this day out so i can go home.

"Hey when are we gonna work on these projects?" i didnt even think of that..

"oh.. i didnt think of that haha."

"Its okay hehe"

"how bout my place? i live alone so we wont be interupted"

"sounds good, uhm could you give me a ride, i didnt drive today?"

"yea, thats cool just meet me after class and we'll go"


well thats settled. cute kid coming to my house, that hasnt happened before. Alright. NOW i can finish the day out.

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