Chapter 14

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"Oh, I defiantly need some new shoes." Grace pointed to a sale sign that was in the shoe section.
We had been shopping for about an hour now and I had all the clothes I needed but I definitely needed shoes. Fortunately Grace has small feet so I could fit her shoes, but I needed some of my own.
"Yeah I need some too." I told her.
I picked out a pair of converse and some sandals I could wear when I dress up a little. I bought mostly jeans and t shirts and clothes to work out in, but I did get a few simple little dresses and fancy shirts.
"Ooooh, I love these booties. I'm so getting them." Grace squealed. She may have considered herself a book nerd, but she definitely loved shopping.
"Okay well after we buy these, do you wanna head to the food court?" I asked her. It was around lunch time and I was starving.
"Sounds good. I'm getting pretty hungry." She replied.
I decided to text Mason -with the brand new phone he got me- and let him know what we were doing to see if he wanted to meet us. He came with us to the mall but went his own way to do his own shopping.
*Hey we're headed to the food court do you want to meet us there?*
* sure thing. I'm starving, for food and you.*
* you're so bad. ☺️*
*only for you bby. 😏*
I smiled and could feel myself blushing. Even through text he got to me. Grace just finished paying so we headed to Panda Express.
After we got our food we sat down and dug in.
"Hey, so I just wanna make sure you're okay after this morning. I know that our mom was basically being a major bitch to you." Grace said looking angry on my behalf.
"It's okay Grace. Honestly she has her own beliefs and as much as it hurts my feelings that my mates mother hates me unjustly, I know that it won't change how Mason feels about me. And it sure as hell won't change how I feel about him." I told her.
"You are right about that kitten." A deep voice whispered in my ear.
I turned around to see Mason leaning down towards me.
"Hi." I smiled
"Hi back." He smiled at me then sat down beside me before leaning in and giving me a quick kiss.
"Ew, control the PDA when I'm eating." Grace sassed.
"Haha, just eat your chicken and hush." Mason said back.
"So how was your guy shopping?" I asked Mason.
"I'd say it went well." He smirked.
"What are you up to Mason?" I asked suspicious.
"Nothing you need to concern yourself with." He kissed me on my head then stood up.
"I'm going to get some food." He said before walking away.
"Nice subject change." I yelled after him.
He turned back and winked at me before continuing.
"So, how's everything going with you two?" Grace asked as soon as Mason was out of ear shot.
"You know, it's kinda crazy. I know that I've only known him for a short amount of time but, I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Does that make me insane?" I asked her.
"Not at all. I'm guessing your parents didn't get the chance to explain the whole 'mate' thing to you, huh?" Grace guessed.
"Not really. I knew they were mates, but I didn't really know what that meant." I explained.
"Okay, well your mate is your soulmate, your other half. Everyone has one person who truly belongs with them. You aren't complete until you've completed the mating ritual with your mate."
"Wait, what do you mean not complete? And mating ritual?!" I asked confused.
Grace laughed. "I mean when you fully mate. We just call it a ritual because it binds the two souls together. And by not complete I mean that there is a part of you that has yet to break out. Once you complete the mating ritual you will become stronger in every aspect." Grace explained.
My mind was reeling. I never knew any of this. I wasn't sure if my parents didn't want me to know or if they were just waiting until after I changed for the first time. The thought of my soul being forever bound to someone else was more than a little overwhelming. Though the thought of it being with Mason made me want to melt into a small puddle.
"Are you okay Katlyn? I didn't overwhelm you did I?" Grace asked concerned.
"Maybe a little. But I'm glad you told me." I said smiling reassuringly.
"Okay. Well, good." She went back to eating her food and I did the same.
As I finished eating I couldn't help but to think how it would feel when Mason and I finally mated. Would it hurt? Or feel good? I could feel myself starting to blush. I'm knew Mason would never intentionally hurt me but I wasn't sure I was ready to take that step with him yet.
Then I thought back to the fact that he's had plenty of experience with woman. Probably with girls that knew what they were doing, with long legs and big breast. I could feel my insecurities getting higher by the second.
"I'm back." I was startled out of my thoughts when Mason sat down beside me.
"So you are." I sassed.
"Uh, yeah." I could tell he was confused at my sudden mood change but I couldn't help it.
I tried to bite my tongue but couldn't take it any longer.
"Why didn't you wait for me?" I finally asked him.
"Uh, what? Wait for what baby?" He looked at me concerned.
"Yeah, I think I'm gonna let y'all have this fight with out an audience. I'll be in the truck." Grace grabbed the keys from Mason and walked towards the mall exit.
"Fight? We're fighting?" Mason asked me confused.
"You didn't wait for me. You went out and had sex with not one, not two, not three, but four women." I all but yelled at him before getting up to throw my trash out and walking away.

So it's been a long time, but I think I'm finally gonna start working on this book again. I hope you guys will continue to read and I'll update as much as possible.
- Jessie

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