Chapter 15

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I stared blankly out of our bedroom window.
I have been sitting in the bay windows staring off into space ever since we got home. As soon as we pulled in front of the house I took off.
I didn't want to feel any sympathy from Grace, and I couldn't handle talking to Mason. That had been well over an hour ago, but I still hadn't moved from the window.
I just couldn't understand. I knew that I was a bit naive when it came to sex, but I understood that it was something special. Mason didn't seem to share the sentiment.
I didn't ever think I would be in this situation. One where I'm jealous of past lovers of my mate.
Hell, a few weeks ago I didn't even think I was ever going to have a mate. I didn't think I would live long enough to find him.
But I have. Found him, that is. I knew I could never let anything get in between us , but I was having a hard time letting this go.
Mason said he didn't think he deserved a mate because of what happened to Grace, but I still don't understand why he couldn't have thought about me. I know he didn't know me yet, but everyone knows they have a mate out there somewhere.
Did he just not care? I know that I wouldn't have sex with someone who wasn't my mate, even if I hadn't found Mason yet.
I was interrupted from my inner torment when Mason opened the door.
"Baby," He walked over to me and sat beside me on the window seat. "Please don't be angry at me." He begged grabbing my hands and pulling me closer.
"I'm not mad Mason. Not anymore. I'm more hurt than anything. I don't understand how you couldn't have thought of me while you were with those other girls. Did you just not care at all?" I pulled my hands from him and stood up.
"Of course I cared. I didn't think I deserved you. I told you this." He pleaded with me.
"You didn't deserve me, so that means you get to screw some random girls?" I surprised myself with my outburst. I didn't get angry very often, but I found my passion in all aspects had increased tenfold since being with Mason.
"Kat, baby, you'll never know how sorry I am that what I did hurt you. If I could go back I wouldn't have done it. Please, they meant nothing to me. You mean everything." He stood up and wrapped his arms around me.
I let myself sink into his hug. He said I meant everything to him. But we're those feelings really for me or was it just because I am his mate? I hated doubting his feelings for me, but we really haven't known each other long at all.
"We really just met, and I already feel so possessive over you." I confessed to Mason.
"I feel the same baby. You're my mate. You are the other half of me that I didn't even realize was missing. You make me whole." He whispered into my hair.
I stepped back and looked at him.
"Do you really mean that?" I asked choked up.
"Of course I do Kat. I mean everything I say to you." He brushed his fingers across my cheek tenderly.
"I feel the same. I shouldn't. I shouldn't be falling in love with you after only a few days. But I am." I looked up at him while he gazed at me with tenderness.
And then he was kissing me. And holy hell was it a kiss. I gasped and he took the opportunity to slip in his tongue. I felt a rush of tingles go down my spine. Damn could my man kiss.
His hands moved from my cheeks down my shoulders and to my sides then up towards my breast. I could feel that he was hesitating, so I arched into him.
I wanted him to touch me. I've never wanted anything more than in that moment.
I pulled back for air and pulled my shirt off. I was now in my bra and pants. I then reached for his shirt and attempted to pull it over his head.
"We don't have to do anything you're not ready for baby." Mason whispered.
"I know, but for now, I want this." I smiled and finished taking his shirt off then wrapped my hand around his head and pulled him down for another kiss.
He took charge and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him while he walked us over to the bed.
He laid me down gently, then slowly unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down.
"You're so beautiful, baby." He whispered before trailing his lips down my neck. I could feel him kiss and lick the mark he gave me at the hollow of my neck and shoulder.
He pulled back to gaze at me adoringly.
"I love you Kat. I know it may be scary for you, but baby I've been waiting for you my whole life, I just never realized it would happen." He brushed my hair away from my cheeks tenderly and waited for me to say something.
"I love you too, Mason, more than should be possible." I pulled him flush with me and started kissing him again. I ran my mouth down his jaw towards his neck. "Let me mark you baby." I looked up at him hopefully. Me marking him was a big deal. He was the alpha, and a man, most men didn't let their mate mark them, considering it shows their one vulnerability. I was hoping he would let me anyway. My father let my mother, and he wore his mark with pride.
"Yes Kat. Mark me." He finally said, looking at me with complete love and trust.
I kissed him again before making my way down to his neck again. I started by just sucking and nibbling, then I elongated my canines and slowly sank them into the hollow of his throat.
"Kat!" Mason moaned out before relaxing in my arms.
I slowly withdrew my teeth and licked the small mark delicately.
I looked up and saw tears in Mason's eyes.
"Mason? Are you okay?" I asked worried.
"I'm more than okay baby. I love you so much." He said kissing me softly before rolling over on the bed and bringing him with me.
"Rest babe. I know you'll need it." I told him, tenderly  brushing his hair away from his face.
As I watched he slowly drifted off to sleep in my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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