unbound, untamed [chapter 2]

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So d 2nd chapter. a lot of info here but not all of it cuz there will b more explaining in next one.  

I hope this makes sense... if u don't get something, feel free 2 ask! plz read, vote and comment! 

u r awesome!!! enjoy--> 


Chapter 2

Danica Kenley

I woke up when the stereo quietly started to play my morning playlist. I was laying in my king size bed with green canopy and curtains. I hadn't closed them last night so when I turned on my back warm spring sun hit my face. I smiled and stretched - time for another beautiful day.

It was April, three months after I turned into a werewolf. Three months of living in this huge, beautiful mansion with an estate around it the size of a small country, of meeting amazing, interesting and sometimes weird people, of training and hunting in the woods. I have never been so happy and content with my life. Basically I could do what I wanted. Sure I had to attend different official stuff that was required of me but I didn't mind, I actually enjoyed it. And the sensation of freedom while running as a wolf and feeling nature around me was worth any unpleasant things I had to do.

I got out of the bed to get ready for my training session with Alexander. The Alpha had been teaching to fight with different weapons in human form and how to use my natural weapons in wolf form. He said I am a natural fighter and in these months I had become as he put it "absolute killing machine" which actually means that he thinks I can now take care of myself in human and wolf form. That was why last night we had ceremony in which Alexander officially announced that I am his heir. In the official part the Alpha said a speech and signed some documents and letters to be sent out to other packs. Then there was a lot of speaking, I got my royal ring that I will have to wear in different events and after that we celebrated. Oh, and let me tell you - werewolves know how to party! It was more like a ball but anyway it was really fun.

So in short - Alexander had adopted me and last night it had been made official what everybody actually already knew. Now I am Danica Kenley, the next Alpha of all werewolf packs.

I shuddered from thinking about my title. I was terrified that one day I will have that kind of power and responsibility. But it won't happen still for a long (I really hope long, long, long...) time. So until then I just have to try hard to learn everything Alexander and my other mentors teach me to be ready.

So I pushed those thoughts aside and went in my walk-in closet (yeah, I know how lucky I am... hihh) to find my grey sweatpants and black sport top. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror eager to go train while tying my hair in a bun. I was never the skinny type more like sturdy with sometimes too much meat on my bones to my liking but now after my metabolism had changed and all the work out I had nice muscles and if I may say so - I looked good. I was 5feet 8inches tall with dark green eyes and my hair colour varied from blond in summer to honey or light brown in winter. I guess that is why colour of fur on my back was so mixed - my hair couldn't make up their mind what colour they wanted to be. And gray streaks I had inherited from Colin - the werewolf that accidentally bit me.

Actually he should have been my mentor and Alexander should only help about Alpha matters. But those people that were chasing Colin that night had injured him real bad and he died the night I changed. I even didn't get to meet him. Stupid humans!

"Ok, no point thinking about it" I told myself quietly and walked out of my room to head to the gym.

As soon as I opened doors my guards bowed their head and murmured "Danica!" in greeting.

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