Paine Resurfaces

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It turns out my father hadn't made someone angry.

Someone was angry at him.

Yep, here comes the worm.

Ferguson Paine-fifty two year old male. Ugly. Beady black eyes, scraggly broan sandpaper hair and the plumpest pastry I had ever seen. He was mad-mad at the thievery empire he had controlled in his time.

You see, every country has a thief-mayor, every continent has a thief-lord, and the world had a thief-king. My father was the thief-lord of Europe and my mother was the thief-mayor of Paris.

Ferguson Paine had been a thief-king, ten years before I had been born.

Unfortunately, Paine  had started to stray from the thief pact. He had started to rent out thieves for use of the governments, such as the US and Germany. My dad, Logan's father, and the other thief-lords staged an uprising when I was three, to right his wrongs. The current thief-king is Addam King, a young but threatenly skilled thief. He had manage to steal from the Smithsonian, White House, Romonav Palace, Big Ben, and the Royal Palace of England-all before hitting twenty. He scared everyone and the thief-kingdom flourished under his reign. 

Paine had been in jail since the uprising. Like, super-deluxe-you-ain't-never-getting-out-of-here jail.

How he managed to escape, no one knew.

But he was back.

And starting with the thief-lords he was going to eliminate us.

Okay, personally I didn't think much of it. The thief-lord were thief-lords for a REASON! Duh!

But that was until I learned that instead of killing the thief-lords, he was killing their families-then the theif-lords themselves.

Then I got nervous.

Papa sent Mama, Logan, and Aunt Elle (short for Danielle) to Austria until Paine was 'straightened out'.

At the time, I figured it would be over soon.

All of the proffesional's were on the case.

For now, though, I lived the life of a rich teenager. And fought my hormones, which seemed to be acting crazy whenever Logan got within ten feet.


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