The Flower

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Castles could be such a boring place. They all needed some excitement and who else to give the excitement to than the ruler the prince? Even though the excitement Kaumi wanted wasn't a jester or a puppet show, but something more fulfilling.

"Sakura-chan~" Kaumi seductively hollered down the hall.

Sakura was a noble princess of the green kingdom who agreed to meet her betrothed, Len Kagamine Kaumi's younger brother. Though not custom by any other kingdoms Kaumi's mother and father came from a long line of family who chose to have the younger child be betrothed first rather than by birth right. Kaumi was very jealous and not afraid to hide it.

"Sir Kaumi" Sakura bowed in the door way of his room "Did you need me?" she politely asked.

"Aww~ can't I have a nice conversation with my brothers fiance?" he sarcastically pouted laying out under a canopy.

"But of course sir, your quite kind I am honored you accept me into your family" she crooked her head to the side and smiled warmly.

"Your too nice" he flattered her.

Unfortunately for Sakura, Kaumi didn't know when to stop and would continue to pursue  until he got what he wanted even if it meant stepping over people he loved. This time he was driven almost mad by wanting her to himself and dreamt of things that not even his parents would mention.

"Come here" he whispered sitting up showing he was wearing a loose robe.

Kaumi was determined to have Sakura all for himself. Sakura was the sweetest girl you could ever possibly meet with lips the shade of light cherry blossoms and a thin figure with long legs and a large bust. She had the voice of an angel, no wonder why Kaumi wanted her so badly. She is mine and only mine. He vowed.

"S-should I come back when your finished dressing?" Sakura stuttered looking very uncomfortable.

"Aww why?" Kaumi whispered in reply stepping off the bed. "Come now its not awkward is it?" his whispering became a purr as he neared where Sakura stood. He looked up and down her body and the poor girl couldn't help but feel violated. Kaumi studied how her dress hugged her midsection and fanned out at her waist all the way down to her ankles. 

"I uh think I should go" she took a step back nervously. Though Kaumi looked like a tall weak guy, he was quite strong and he scared Sakura.

Kaumi's light purple hair flowed behind him as he stalked forward. He looked like a demon hunting for a soul to snack on. "I don't think so Miss Sakura" his bangs fell over his eyes adding a menacing shadow in the fading sunlight. In a sudden flash he grabbed Sakura's wrists and pinned her to the wall, throwing her neat bun of white hair askew. She stared with wide blue eyes into Kaumi's evil purple ones.

"S-sir K-K-Kaumi?!" Sakura stuttered with fear. A vicious smile curled Kaumi's lips lined with purple lip gloss. Slowly, he started kissing her neck griping her wrists tighter causing Sakura to struggle more. She was in to much shock to scream.

"Your mine now" Kaumi purred.

"SAKURA!? WHERE YOU GO?!" yelling echoed down the long corridor. Kaumi turned his head looking very annoyed. Thankfully Len was always around to interrupt his plans a pestering little brother indeed. Sakura wasn't his first betrothed, and definitely not the first girl Kaumi tried to take from Len and that was the reason Len had been engaged before, it was the same cycle. Kaumi scared the girl and she told her parents, when they found out the marriage was called off. 

"L-LEN! O-OVER HERE!" Sakura gained her speech back. Kaumi quickly covered her mouth making her shouts muffled. "L-Lemufff arg!" She shrieked blocked by his large hand.

"Your mine and don't forget it! If anyone asks, none of this happened!" Kaumi's voice was cold and shrill. He placed a lovely scented flower in Sakura's white hair. Before she could say a word he took off for his room and shut the door.

"There you are Sakura!" Len's face light up in delight. Sakura broke out in a cold sweat awkwardly fixing her bun.

"Len! Haha I kinda got lost!" she gave him a big hug leaning on his chest. Len gladly hugged her back with a smile. Dim candles lit the hallway barley showing past about ten feet infront of them. Sakura wanted to be far far away from Kaumi and she quickly grabbed Len's hand leading him down the hall acting excited to go see the garden.

Sakura yanked the purple flower from her hair and threw it to the ground, its sickening sweetness was too much for her.

Once Sakura and Len had disappeared Kaumi stepped room his room and found the flower lying on the carpet. I vow with all my heart Sakura will be mine. He vowed placing the single flower in a vase.

                                                                      The Flower...


A/N I wanted to mention it's super funny cause I originally wrote this chapter with Kaumi as a girl and Sakura as Kiyomi and Len as Rin then I suddenly realized Kaumi was a guy and I had to switch everyone's genders XD

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