Chapter 9: Rise of the Voidwalker: Part 1 of 2

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Author's Note:
Sorry about the terribly long update waiting time ladies and gentlemen. Writer's block hits me hard, and between that and time management, Y/N's biggest foe seems to be the damned author and his poor excuses for why he can't update! Anyways, with the power of insomnia and boredom, I bring to you the next chapter!
-Also on a side note, I'll try to experiment. I have some good instrumental (non vocal) tone setters. If you don't like them, just say the word and I'll put them down. Sorry I just want to experiment with the power of music and books.
Y/N's P.O.V.:
I then raised my hand out for the almighty General Ironwood, expecting at least a gesture of equal kindness. I jumped from both a loud bang, and a instantaneous sharp pain in my left foot. I grasped my foot and roared in pain, and
"General! Not in my office!" Ozpin snapped at the shooter, and I stopped grasping my foot and saw that Ironwood had come armed with a seemingly ordinary handgun, albeit of exceptional Atlesian manufacturing.
"You brought HIM here?! A thief, a lowlife, a murderer who saps off others?!" The General turned to Ozpin, while I took my shoe off to get a sense of the damage. The bullet sent into my foot went through it, but I looked to where I was shot, and the bullet was dug into the floor, yet not completely through.
"It was what I had to do, General! I told you what could happen if whoever  stole the Fall Maiden's power, this, 'Usurper,' as Y/N calls it, managed to ally with the Voidwalker, and it so happens that she almost succeeded." Ozpin explained my appearance, which while I felt good about, made me again feel alien to the rest.
"What aren't you telling me, Ozpin?" Ironwood asked. I limped up back to the table and got my cane from the spot I left it at, then came to meet Ironwood once more.
"The Usurper offered power and freedom, even full control of Vale, at some point in her attempts. And although those offers were truly tempting, I know how she plays the game. She would use me to help her take over the rest of Remnant, then when she has the power to overtake me, which is more plausible than it seems, she will throw me out like garbage. In addition, she attacked the Fall Maiden, who is practically a deity in my culture. Striking a hand against a god who brings such goodwill, I should consider death to be the price, no?" At my exposition, I could hear Ironwood's spite in the form of a low growl, a symbol of hatred although I was in the right, despite my past dealings. Sighing, the General looked down towards my foot, to see it the same as he shot me, as though he was expecting something different.
"Why didn't you heal?" The General stated flatly. I sighed and plopped myself on the ground, ripping some cloth from my socks and wrapping it around the wound.
     "Given the first opportunity since the first VoidWalker, we took the chance to study him.  We found that his aura was unlike anything we've seen.  It can't heal him as nearly as fast timeframe.  It instead saps off other auras around him to support his own aura. It doesn't kill them, but it just makes his own aura like a void, like-"
     "Something that should not be."  I finished Ozpin's statement.
     "...Yes. And the results and applications are interesting."  Ozpin finished.  Ironwood sat up from the seat, and started walking to the door.
     "Do you really think this abomination from a cursed city could solve our problems?"  The General remarked.
     "If all else fails, you know that we have to depend on your fabled hunters.  No offense to your engineering, but the androids are laughable."  I retorted half in anger.
     "But do you two really think your children could win a war?"  With that Ironwood left the room, leaving me and Ozpin. He mumbled something, and then I walked up to him.
     "Do you think I made the correct impression?"  I inquired.
     "Maybe not forgetting your blindfold would be a start."  Ozpin replied bluntly.  I scratched the back of my neck.
     "Not my fault Ozpin.  Some prick stole it."  I sighed.  Ozpin only chuckled to himself and took another sip of his coffee.  The little dainty ballerina happened to snag my blindfold while I was distracted with the stunts she freaking pulled.  I wasn't complaining though; I'll get it back eventually, but sooner better than latter. 
     "Do you want me to have someone search the lost and found?"  Ozpin asked. I raised my hand in protest, and shook my head sideways.
"No it's a personal matter. I'll take care of it." I didn't want him to get involved in the matter.
"Get to class Y/N. We'll speak more later." I bowed and took my leave, and fumbled with the elevator buttons before pressing the one I think noted ground floor.

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