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Elena's POV
My phone started to ring.
"Hello?" I said, answering.
"Oh hello Elena! How does it feel, living back here?"
"It's much different than New York," I said.
"Anyway.... a little birdie told me that you were dating,"
"No! I'm not... uh... GARROTH IS!!"
"He is?!? I thought so. I'm going to give him a call now then!" And she hung up.
"Oh sugar..." I said. Frantically, I called my brother up.
"Hello?" He asked.
"Mama.. she... dating... calling... now.." I panted.
"Wait I got another call. Talk to you later!"
"NOO WAIT-" but he had already hung up.
"He.. has no idea how much I hate him right now..." I sighed, and ran over to his house.
"Oh hi mummy, what is it?..... Dating? I'm not dating..... NEITHER of us are dating.... coming to visit? Um.. ok?" Garroth hung up the phone, looking at me in horror. He sped out of the house, and I followed after him.
"Wait!!" I screamed. He burst through Vylad's door, panting.
"WHAT THE HECK GARROTH!" Vylad shouts shocked.
Not long after, I walk in after him.
"I was too late," I sigh.
Garroth just stood there, gasping for air.
"Since when... is your house... so far from ours..." he says between breaths.
Emma hands him her glass of water.
"It has always been here..why did you break the door?" Vylad says
"Mother is coming to visit..." I say, looking bored but really dying inside.
"Yay!" Emma cheers.
"What's so bad about that?" Vylad asks.
I just point to Garroth with a blank face.
"You know how Mummy can get with romance... what if she pushes Elena to marry Laurance?" he says.
"Ok I get it, Garroth is being over protective again!" Vylad laughs
"AM NOT!" Garroth defends
"I keep trying to tell him it will be fine I have already told Laurance how she is and I don't think he would want to marry me we're just friends even though I am beautiful and smart and....OH MY IRENE SHES GOING TO MAKE ME MARRY LAURANCE!" I lied. I was just as worried as everyone else.
Emma just laughs, that brat.
"Its not funny AHHH IM NOT READY!" I shriek.
"Ok calm down you two, that won't happen trust me I can help with that...wait does Laurance even know your here?" Vylad asks.
I was silent.
"Oh crap..heh for no reason at all I have to go totally not tell Laurance..ok bye!" I rushed out the door.
"DONT YOU DARE MARRY HIM!" Garroth shouts, running after me. I suddenly had a bright idea.
"Garroth, when say so, ring the doorbell," I smirked.
~a few minutes later~
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Garroth asks.
"I'm positive," I said muffled.
"Ok..." he said. He rang the doorbell and ran.
"Uh... who's there?" Laurance asks. His eyes rest on the big box on his doorstep. He lifted it up.
"This must be the new TV I ordered," he said. He took the box to the kitchen and went to open it. He then saw what was in it.
"ELENA?!?" He screamed. If you haven't figured out already, my brilliant plan was to seal myself into a box, have Garroth ring the doorbell, and scare the living daylights out of Laurance. So far, it looks like I'm succeeding.
"Surprise!!!!!" I giggled.
"Did you. Just ship. Yourself. Across the country." Laurance struggled with the thought (ha he stupid).
"If I did, you'd be mourning over my dead body right now," I stated matter-of-factly.
"When did you move back?"
"A few days ago. Remember the house that you were forced away from? That is mine,"
"Um.. ok.."
"So... wanna go to Tim Hortons? We can catch up there,"
"Ok. I do love that coffee shop, even if it is Canadian,"
"You have something against Canadians?" I say threateningly.
"No.. but why do you care?" He asked.
"I'll have you know, I have many Canadian relatives,"
"Let's just go to Timmy's,"
~At da coffee shop~
"So, how was New York?" Laurance asks me, taking a sip of coffee.
"I loved teaching there. My 8th graders were phenomenal. Though I technically shouldn't, I had a favorite student. Her name was Alyssa. Anyways, I took a road trip back here." I said, stirring my iced coffee.
"Why are you drinking iced coffee? It's freezing outside,"
"Na, not really,"
"So, what did you do on the road trip?"
"I stopped at a few amusement parks, like Cedar Point and Michigan's Adventure, obviously. I spent a few days at Chicago and ended up going WAY off course by going to Yellowstone park. I stopped by your parent's farm, but you had already left. Anyway, it was very fun."
"That sounds like lots of fun," he states.
"Anyway, my mom is coming over soon, let's head to my house!" I said, and we got into the car.
We arrived at my home 5 minutes later. We both scrambled to clean my house a bit better. Not that it wasn't clean, I just tend to miss a LOT of dust when I'm cleaning. Anyway, a minute later, my mother came.
"Hello Mama!" I said as I greeted her at the door.
"Oh hello Elena. You grew up so fast!" She said, and dabs the corners of her eyes. I understand her sadness. I left to go to university in New York when I was 18. And I never came back home until now.
"It's so good to see you.." I said, tears silently running down my face. She pulled me into one of her bone-crushing hugs. I let her crush my ribs in, because, sadly, I haven't seen her in four years.
"Come in... please," I said, wiping my tears. I went to the kitchen to go cook. Laurance already had some chicken in the oven.
"You obviously know what my mother likes. Those potatoes look good! Mm.." I said. I hear Emma and Travis
"MOOMM!!" Emma shouts.
Mom laughs.
"Now introduce me to him!" she says In a 'I think I know what's going on here' tone.
"That's Travis," Emma says.
"Mhm.. mhm.. and is he your boyfriend?" Mom asks.
"Yes I am," Travis smirks.
I hear the 'Click!' of a camera, and know my mother took a picture of them.
"No he's not," Emma says.
"Don't fight it sweetie I can see the love in your eyes!" she smiles.
"Also, your blushing," Vylad smirks, he ships them.
"Please don't point that out!" Emma mumbles. We finally decide to enter, and we walk up.
"H-hey look who's here let's pay attention to them instead!" Emma laughs nervously.
I didn't notice Garroth walking, looking like he was going to pass out from behind.
"AHHHH SO CUTE!" Mom squealed, taking a picture of us. I mentally facepalm.
"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!" Emma chants. Did I mention she can be a huge brat sometimes?
"YESSS KISS!" my mom supports.
I rolls my eyes and Laurance smirks at me.
"You wouldn't.." I whisper to him.
"Gotta please the authorities!" He whispers back.
He grabs me and kisses me.
My mom squeals and takes a picture.
At this point, my face was twisted with anger. To the untrained eye, it would look like blushing BUT IT'S NOT I SWEAR.
The kiss broke and I was speechless.
"Send that to me," I heard Emma whisper loudly to Mom and she nods.
"I-I uhhhh..." I stutter, my speech distorted.
"You're cute," That idiot Laurance smiled.
You could probably tell by my face that that was my first kiss. Yes, I know I'm sad.
Emma turns to Vylad.
"Ok pay up!" She smirks.
"What?" he questions.
"She had her first kiss before me, remember our bet now give me 15 bucks!" Emma says.
"Oh...right," he sighs giving Emma the money.
"Thank you," she smiles.
~time skipppp~
After dinner Emma grabbed Travis' wrist and ran back home. Lucky.
"Ok.. everyone in this room must forget the entirety of today. Or else.." I say threateningly, giving everyone a death stare.
"Gladly," Garroth said. He had puked after, you know, that happened.
"Oh.. and I am going to have a talk with you, Laurance, and Emma. Oh ho ho..." I said.
Laurance gulped.
Yes, you should be worried. Not as much as Emma though.

I need to get one thing straight, we are just best friends. Yeah, just friends...

I need to stop lying to myself

Artwork of the day:

(I'm doing this in this book cause why not anyway if you want your art in just make a shoutout I'm bound to notice if you do)

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(I'm doing this in this book cause why not anyway if you want your art in just make a shoutout I'm bound to notice if you do)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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