Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

    As Tom, Thomas, and I pulled away. I knew that Tom knew. He knew about what I did with Gregory. And that he didn’t want to make a scene with Thomas next to us. He slowly moved his lips to my ear and whispered.

    “We need to talk.” his eyes seemed happy on the outside. But on the inside they looked pissed off.  And at this point I never knew that I could be so scared of him in my life.

    “Okay.” I didn’t want to talk about it, it was too soon.  I could feel my blood run faster inside of me. And my mind was running at a thousand seconds.

    “Now.” his eyes glowed like fire. And he turned to the rest of everyone. “Lori and I re going to talk and I would appreciate it if all of you would make Thomas feel welcome.” he then turned to Thomas, “Why don’t you go play with William?” Thomas then ran off to his cousin and they started to play wrestle.

    “Let’s go now.” Tom grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room with speed that I didn’t even no existed. We would pass by people and bump into them, leaving me to apologies for Tom.

    “Tom would you slow down, your bumping into people. And your not even apologizing to them!  Tom stop!” I yelled at him.

    “Why? So that you could make an excuse about you making out with Gregory? I couldn’t believe him when he said it, but then I smelled you all over him. And I should have seen it coming, I mean you cheated on Don for me, why not cheat on me for someone else?  I mean how many time have you cheated on someone Lori? Huh how many times have you cheated on guys?” Tom was breathing hard, and his  eyes were a fiery red again. The candles in the hallway seemed to get brighter and the fire continued.

    “Tom the only man that I have cheated on was Don, and you were the man that I cheated on him with. Gregory was just a one time thing for me, a mistake. Please don’t be mad at me, please Tom I never wanted this to happen, ever. I love you forever and always. I will never do this to you again. I can’t. you have got to believe me.” I was crying again.

    I tried to reach out to Tom but he moved away from me. But he once again moved so that he could grab my hand and pull me the rest of the way to his room. His room was still the same as the last time but the only thing different is that my stuff was packed and sitting at the door.

    “Tom what is going on with my stuff?” I asked him. But Tom just ignored me and moved to the fare side of the room, far away from me as possible.

    “Tom?” I asked again. His face was looking at the floor. And he was shifting from one foot to the other. He ran his hands threw the ends of his cornrowls at his shoulders and pulled them, but that didn’t bother me, what did was the loud scream that came out his mouth. It came from somewhere deep inside him. Tormented and sad and mostly rage.

    “Why Lori, why did you do this to me?!” he screamed. “I loved you Lori, I really did. I got married to you, you gave birth to my kid and I still loved you. But now I don’t know anymore. Not after what you did now.”

    “Tom what do you mean?” I asked.

    “I mean that I don’t want you to be near me, I don’t want you in this house. And I don’t want you in the country anymore.”

    “What?” I asked. I was so confused at the moment. And I was so hopping that Tom wasn’t saying what I thought that he was saying.

    “I’m saying that I want you out of this county, until I say you can come back.”

    “Tom you can’t do this please. I love you.”

    “Don’t give me that bullshit you probably said the same thing to Don. I want you to get out. There is a car waiting outside and you have a first class ticket to the Americas.”

    “I’m not leaving.” I said.

    “Get out.” Tom said coming closer to me.

    “No.” I was stubborn jut like my human mother was.

    “Damn it, Lori get out!” Tom screamed.

    “You have no say if I can get out.” he wasn’t going to win this easy.

    “I am prince, I am a male, we have better say than you women. And that means that you have to do what I say, and I say get out. Now.” Tom was in my face and was breathing hard.

    “Fine, me and Thomas are going.” I grabbed my stuff and was heading to the door, when Tom said something that I would never forget even to this day.

    “Thomas is staying here with me. Your not taking him.”

    “He is my son, you can’t take him away from me either.”

    “Get out, and when I say you can come back, we can talk about what you did. And then see if we can both take care of him.”

    “I can’t believe your doing this to me Tom.” I grabbed my stuff  once again and walked out the door.

    I put my stuff down at the door and Thomas ran up to me followed my William and his parents.

    “Hey what’s going on why do you have your stuff?” asked Candy and Bill.

    “Tom is kicking me out.” I told them. Candy’s eyes went wide and Bill just left our group in the direction of were Tom was.

    “What do you mean kicking you out, are you taking Thomas with you?” she asked wrapping one of her arms around my son.

    “I can’t, Tom isn’t letting me. He isn’t just kicking out of the house, but out of Germany, out of the country. He is making me go to America.” I was crying again. I looked at Thomas to see that he had tears in his eyes.

    “Mommy don’t leave me. Please.” he grabbed hold of my shirt and pulled me to his height level. And grabbed me around the neck.

    “Please mommy don’t leave me.”

    “She has to.” Tom came up from behind me and pulled me off of Thomas.

    “No! Mommy isn’t going anywhere, if she go’s I go with her!” The crowed was silent.

    “You are not going with her, and you are going to leave right now.” he said turning to me.

    “No, daddy don’t make mommy go, please!” Thomas ran over to his father an d hit his side. Since that was all he could hit at the height that he was.

    “Thomas come here.” I told him. He came over to me and I hugged him. He hugged me with such force that I fell backwards. “I’m not going to be gone for long okay? Just stay here with your father until I get back. And when I do get back I’m going to take you to get all the blood flavored ice cream you want okay?”

    “Yes mom.” he hugged me once again and let me go. I got off the floor and dusted myself off. I walked to the door and looked back. Candy along with most of the people in the room had tears in their eyes. But Bill, and Victor and King Louis had anger in their eyes, and I was surprised to see that their glares were pointed to Tom and not me.  

    I was sad, angry but I knew that, the flow of time cleanses the past, and heals the wounds in peoples hearts.

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