Day 2

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Go fallow Xxzombie_gurlxX she helped me create this book


Day 2:

In the morning Mary told me to help her with breakfast I said "ok" she told me that we were going to make pancakes. Once we were done we gave pancakes to everyone. Once me and Mary were done with our pancakes I told her I was going to go to the gun store across the street she told me that she was going to come with me I told her that she can't come because she has to take care of the place so no zombies come in. After that talk I went outside and sprinted to the gun store, I looked around to see if any zombies were around me, luckily there wasn't. Once I got there I took out my knife I open the door slowly just incase there were some zombies inside.

Once I fully opened the door I looked around and slowly went in. I looked around and grabbed a bunch of guns and put suppressors on them.Then I saw a 44.magnum and said" this one is mine"once I grabbed it and put the suppressor on I heard some footsteps behind me I turn around and see my old friend Juan pointing a handgun at my face, he told me who was I, i told him that I was Drake and that we were really old fiends, he finally put the gun down and said "Drake Lorenzo" I told him yes he came closer and said "I thought you were dead" I told him that I thought he was dead too. After that I told him if he was alone or if he had a group he said that he was alone i told him that he could come with me I had a group he said ok.

7:15 pm

Once we got back to my group I introduced Juan to everyone Mary already knew Juan because we all used to be in the same class. Once I introduced Juan to everyone I started passing out the m-16's and the handguns.Once I was done i gave Mary a ak47 Juan already had a gun he had a desert eagle. once it was 11:45pm I told everyone that if they hear a zombie coming then they wake up everyone and right when I say that a zombie breaks in a back window and is attracted more me and Juan. We went to the back window and saw like 3 zombies coming one of the zombies had a broken jaw and there was a bunch of blood dripping down his chin. Juan panicked because he had never came face to face with 3 zombies he had only come face to face with only one zombie i told him that he had to kill the zombie with the broken jaw. Juan shot the first zombie Mary shot the second one and a piece of its head ripped off and you can see the brain but it was still not dead so she shot it again and finally it died then i shot the last one straight across its head and a lot of pieces of its brain flew out once we killed the zombies we covered the broken window with curtains then once we were going to go to sleep Juan said that he was going to stay and take care of the window just incase some zombies come in I told him that if he needed any help to wake me up he said "ok" after that I went to sleep.

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