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Scott's POV :)

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my hands fumbling with the bow tie around my neck. I groan when the ends fall flat on my shirt. "Fuck my entire life." I mutter, shaking my head.

I poke my head out of the room, looking at Avi talking to my mom down the hall. If I walk quick enough, I can make it around the corner without them noticing. Is it really worth the shot? I'm already around the corner before I can decide.

My long legs take me down the hallway quickly, my heart thumping in my chest. I stop in front of the only closed door in the hall, listening to the laughing from the boring side of the door.

I creak the door open a tiny bit, glancing inside. Kirstie is laughing loudly, holding an eyeshadow palette for Nicole.

Fuck, he's gonna wear makeup.

I groan quietly, backing away from the door slightly. I tug my phone from the pocket of my jacket and type a quick text to Kirstie. I hear her phone ring and I hold my breath.

"Scott needs my help with something, I promise I'll be right back." I hear Nicole balk but Mitch tells her to go. I duck behind the nearby wall, biting my lip.

Once she's gone, I text Kevin, asking him if he knows where Nicole is. A buzz, some muttering, apologizing, and Nicole is gone too.


I sneak out of my hiding place, poking my head in the door again. I smile, watching Mitch sway in the mirror. He doesn't have the dress on yet. I'm not technically breaking any rules.

"I know it's bad luck to see a bride before she walks down the aisle..." I walk inside, making Mitch jump. "But I simply couldn't stay away."

Before I could even finish, Mitch was wrapped up in my arms. "I've never been away from you this long." He tells me, looking up at me with his chin on my chest.

"I know, it's hell." I say, kissing his forehead gently. "You look beautiful." I smile. He really does. Nicole is amazing.

"Thank you." Mitch flashes his million dollar smile at me, kissing my chest before backing out of the hug. "Wait, Kirstie said she was going to go help you with something..?"

"Yeah about that..." Mitch smacks my chest, making me laugh. "I wanted your help instead." I put my hands up.

"She's going to kill you. You're not supposed to be in here." Mitch scolds, but I know he wanted to see me just as much as i wanted to see him. "Did you get Nicole to leave too?" I nod and he hits my chest again.

"I missed you!" I defend, grabbing his hands.

"I missed you too." He says, a small smile breaking through his lips.

"So is this what you're wearing? I like it." I smirk, pinching his butt through his boxer briefs.

He yelps, glaring at me. "No, actually, I'm not wearing these either." He laces our fingers together and I swing our hands down between us.

"What are you wearing then?" I raise an eyebrow, squeezing his hands gently.

"You'll find out." He shrugs, a devilish smirk forming on his lips. "What did you need help with?"

I glare at him playfully, kissing his nose. "I am a failure to men everywhere. I can't tie my bow tie." I pout and he laughs at me.

"Avi could have done it for you." Mitch says, releasing my hands and straightening the black fabric around my neck.

"Avi isn't as nice to look at as you are." I shrug, watching as he bites his lip in concentration. He straightens the fabric when he's finished, pulling my jacket even on my shoulders.

"All done." He says, a toothy grin gracing his face. "Kirstie will be headed back here now. You should get going. Unless you want a Louis Vuitton up your ass." He warns, patting my butt and backing up slightly, never letting go of my jacket.

"Doesn't sound like fun to me." I shake my head slightly, gripping his chin between my thumb and forefinger.

Mitch walks closer, standing on his tiptoes. I lean down slightly, watching as he closes the gap. He turns his head at the last second, my lips meeting his cheek. "No kisses until later." He pushes me off him and I groan, pouting.

"You suck."

"I know." He winks, blowing me a kiss.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." I hear Kirstin's voice down the hall and I cringe.

"I love you, see you later." I kiss his cheek again quickly, bolting out of the room.

"Was Scott in here?" I hear Kirstin ask Mitch.

"No, why? Did he leave? Oh my god, Kirstie if he left me on our we-edding d-day..." He sounds like he's going to cry, god he's a good actress.

I smile, making my way back to my designated room.

"Where have you been?" My mom yells sternly, gripping my ear quickly. "Mitch has it in his head that you bailed. No one knew where you went."

"Relax, mom. I was just walking around. I wanted to make sure everything was perfect." And everything was just that. Perfect. Well, perfect in the one area I checked.

"Tell us where you're going next time, loser." She squints at me, flicking my ear before pulling me to the room.

I wince, letting Genevieve fix my hair once in the room. "How long?"

"Not too long, honey." She smiles at me, patting my cheek. "You'll see him soon."

I roll my eyes at the irony, smiling widely. 


how fcute

suggested by kim on twitter :)) 

idk how i feel about this, but i may write a part 2 to this bc scomiche is ReAl !1!!111!

anyways i love y'all 


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