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Dance my party people... 소벙처 (sobangcha) ~

My ringtone blared from the other side of the room as i frantically tossed plushies of all shapes and sizes out of my path. My younger sibling in all her glory laughing at my feeble attempts to reach the technological device. When I get my hands on her she will regret her questionable life choices.

I dashed through another pyramid of cuddliness and somehow managed to trip whilst grasping the object. Glaring at her once more, I cheerfully answered the phone. "Hello!" 

"Is this Mister Park?"
"Hi Nathan."
"You are being relocated."
"Where to this time?"

Being relocated wasn't a new thing for me, but I had kind of hoped that I'd be able to stay with my family for a bit longer in Australia. It's only been three months.

I worked as a model and composer under the alias T.VIS (티.빘). Only my family and manager knew my true identity. A part of the secrecy was to never stay in one place too long. Like a game, the fans would play where in the world is VIS? Is he in Germany? Is he in Canada? Is he in Brazil? Who knows?

Thats how I got sort of big. Genetics jackpot and expertly avoiding personal questions. I'm pretty sure it was Nathan's idea...

"Seoul, South Korea. The flight is next Monday at 4:00 am."

He hung up on me. How rude. Thats it, no more midnight cake for Nathan.


I sat in the crowded terminal on an uncomfortable dull seat. Minutes were ticking by and boredom seeped through my entire being.

의 아레 의 의 아레 (wi alae wi wi alae)
My leg bounced against my will. I guess the boredom was getting to me. I had checked and apparently the flights and changeover would take over thirteen hours. I hated waiting. What had I done this time to earn the short, hangry, maltese man's wrath. Was it the new no-cake rule?

I know I shouldn't blame him for the flight and he has no say in where I'm posted, but i swear he conspires with the company's president. I will get him back later.


Incheon airport  was surprisingly crowded for 5pm on a Monday night. I adjusted my mask and checked to see if my contacts were on properly.

I had dyed my hair a soft shade of brown for a photoshoot I did back in Melbourne, but I highly doubt anyone would recognise me. After all,the results wouldn't be released for a couple more hours.

I spotted some teenagers in one of the airport cafes look at me and get their phones out. They can't ha-

It then hit me like puberty. Nathan said the photos would be released early for promotional purposes.


Greetings all,
Sorry for neglecting this app for so long. I beg forgiveness from whoever reads these.
I recently got into kpop and thought it might be a great way to slip back into writing again.
I'll try to finish this one but i cant promise because I procrastinate like a pro.
Also, please correct any Korean to help me out. I'm more comfortable with Chinese and I only just started Korean.


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