First Contact

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Alarak had spent weeks inside the Blood Sovereign, his ark ship. Although massive by Tal'darim standard, it is still dwarfed by the Spear of Adun. Not that he complains about it. He actually likes the Blood Sovereign more. It's not as humongous as the Spear of Adun so it's way easier to navigate inside it, plus, the Spear of Adun is too bright it hurts his eyes. He likes the blood Sovereign better with its dark blue and black gloomy shade and ah !...... the blood red and cyan contrast.... No words to express its beauty.

He walked to the bridge to see the Tal'darim's progress. Ever since he refused to join the Daelaam, he and the Tal'darim had searched tirelessly for a suitable planet to call their own. A planet rich in terrazine and gloomy skies are perfect, maybe even with natural pits for Rak'shir !

He reaches the bridge gate and it opened, revealing the protoss that are working there. Each fulfill their purpose in the chain. " high lord, we have located a planet called Andolith that maybe suitable for us, should the fleet gather in its orbit ? " asked a supplicant. " hmm... This may be interesting, based on the readings, this planet is massive in mass, rich in terrazine, yet it is surprisingly stable" said Alarak as he read the panel in front of him that the supplicant showed him." Order the death fleet to stand by the orbit, I will lead a small force to investigate further " commanded Alarak. " As you request, high lord " said the supplicant obediently.

The death fleet gathered above the planet's orbit. Alarak looked at his fleet, consisting of observers, destroyers, warp prisms, carriers, vampires and motherships. The death fleet's number has been declining due to Alarak's order to set out posts across their journey in several planets and moons.

Through the observers' lenses, Alarak can see the views of the planet's surface while he awaits his warp prism to find a suitable location for a warp in. The planet has lakes and rivers that are Crimson red, luminescent flora and fauna ( though not much life ), and it gets better with the planet's dark blue and purple skies.

The warp prism found a barren plain on top of a cliff and transformed into its phase mode. " psi matrix online, you may begin to warp yourself and your troops to the planet's surface" stated the supplicant. " commence warp in " commanded Alarak. Suddenly there was light encircling him and he could feel his very matter being dismantled and transported to the warp prism's crystal lattice's power field. He felt every molecule in his body rearranging themselves and he opened his eyes to the terrain in front of him.

Accompanying him are a few dozen supplicants, whose only purpose is to feed Alarak's life with their own, some slayers, havocs, ascendants, and vanguards, and a few probes.

The probes quickly set up a nexus point in the plains to provide the Tal'darim an outpost on this planet as Alarak and his minions journeyed further inside the thick forests of dying, withered, luminescent trees. They didn't get far inside as suddenly, they heard a sound from the bushes. " come out coward, show yourself! " shouted Alarak and as soon as he said that, he completely regretted it. An unknown alien life form burst out from the bush and when straight for Alarak's face. As if on cue, one of his supplicant jumped in front of Alarak and the creature attacked the supplicant's face. He screams in agony as the orange, star-shaped creature envelope the supplicant's face and devoured it, leaving nothing. Now, you might think that they would feel bad for the supplicant's fate, but no. He was just a supplicant and this was exactly one of their functions, to sacrifice themselves in order to save the Highlord. " hm... What a shame... " said one of his ascendants. The creature was immediately shot by a slayer and was taken for further studies.

As they continued inside the forest, they see burn marks, signs of struggle, blood, tracks, and more orang goo. The situation quickly becomes suspicious and not long after, they found a crash site of a Terran shuttle. There were blood everywhere and the remnants of what used to be inside there are scattered all over the place including the limbs of the Terrans themselves. Only when it was too late did they realized they have walked into an ambush. As the unknown enemies revealed themselves, gathering all around them. They vary in form, some are star- shaped like probes, some are taller with cannons and mechanical limbs and some are almost humanoid in body figure, the humanoid one spoke  " all that aided in our master's destruction shall be silenced forever". " what matter of creatures are you ? " asked Alarak and the humanoid one, ( probably the most intelligent one ) said " we are the Shroud, Agents of the Dark one, Harbinger of Silence, Taker of light, and Devourers of Songs". He sent a secret psionic message to the warp prism to warp them out, but it will take time and he needed to buy himself some. He was tempted to use brute force to stall the enemy, but he doesn't know their capabilities yet.

" you served Amon, the fallen one..." said Alarak. " yes, we were meant to ascend when he succeeds, but you meddling failures ruined it all !! " said the humanoid one and with that, they were closing in. The supplicants put themselves at front to stall as much time as possible and they were the first victims as the creatures slaughtered them. The slayers, havocs, and vanguards are circling Alarak and his ascendants because they are the important ones. The creatures had a hard time going through the vanguards due to their hard shields and high damage, but they managed to break through and then Alarak thanked the gods that the warp prism arrived in time to warp them out. He dissolved into energy as the creature screamed " No ! Stop them !" And with a split second, he was back inside the Blood Sovereign.

" Highlord, are you harmed ? " asked a supplicant. Alarak angrily said "No you fools, attend to the ascendants and someone please, recall our forces down there and set course to Aiur ? I have much to tell to Hierach Artanis".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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