Agent Alaska (Rouge Agent)

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Real Name: Jax Alaska

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Real Name: Jax Alaska

Agent Name: Alaska

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Weapons: Hidden knife sheathed behind her back, Shotgun, Battle rifle, Magnum

Armor: Speed boost, healing unit, Shock resistant, Active camouflage

Personality: Hot headed, aggressive, Alaska's sharp tongue usually gets her in trouble. Her sarcastic remarks and full disregard for enemies that may appear frightening to others gets her in trouble, more often than not.

Occupation: Rouge Agent

Father: Rhode Island (Deceased)

Mother: Tennessee (Deceased)

Partners: Carolina and Washington

AI companion: Rhea (AI fragment of Calmness)

Height: 5'11

Weight: 249 lbs (With armor)

Hair Color: Sandy blonde

Eye color: Blue grey

Quote: "You know, for mercenaries so highly paid to kill a couple of hurt Freelancers, you really suck at your job. I've counted three bullets that have missed my head, either you're not trying or you're just a really, really bad shot."

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