Chapter 4

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Picture: Annie (played by the gorgeous Chantel Jeffries) her Instagram is @chanteljeffries . You're welcome!


I lay on my bed, staring at my bedroom ceiling. The slits in my curtains let in glimmers of moonlight to create shadows in my room. I sigh, I hate the night. Laying alone, unable to sleep. If I even try to close my eyes I know the nightmares would come back, they always do.

I reach for my phone and squint at the brightness of the screen. My mind suddenly turns to Megan, she almost ran out of my car after I gave her a kiss on the cheek. What would she have done if I'd kissed her on the lips? It's something I've been wanting to do for a while.

My phone begins to buzz, it's Annie.

"H-hello?" I say tiredly. "It's eleven o'clock-"

"Yeah I know, but I think we should talk."

I frown, "what about?"

Annie sighs, "get your ass over to my house and then I'll tell you. You got five minutes."


The line goes dead. I slowly get out of bed and change into some comfy jeans and an adidas top. I grab my car keys and look upstairs to my dad's bedroom, there's no way he's going to hear me sneak out-my house has eight bedrooms across four floors. I walk along the cold marble flooring and grab some shoes. Just as I rest my hand on the front door handle my phone vibrates.

"Where you at?" Annie asks.

"About to leave," I mumble back.

"Hurry your ass up!" She orders and hangs up.

What did she want to talk about? I walk out into the dark night and get into my car, the radio suddenly turns on and Shawn Mendes serenades my car. What the fuck? I recognise the song, it's the one I sang to Megan...before she ran out of my car.

I change the station and drive the few blocks to Annie's house, her house is almost as big as mine but only has five bedrooms-compared to my eight. I text Annie, informing her that I'm outside. She appears a few seconds later at the front door, wearing jeans and a DKNY top.

"What you dressed up for?" I ask, confused.

"You're taking me to McDonalds."

"What? It's almost twelve, Annie!" I say, tired.

"I'm capable of telling the time!" She says, walking to the front passenger door of my car. "And I'm also capable of knowing when I'm fucking hungry."

I get into the car beside her and start the engine. "So what did you want to talk 'bout?"

Annie turns to me, taking a deep breath. "Okay, so...Megan called me, crying."

"What?" I say, suddenly alert. "What happened?"

"Has she...has she told you about her dad?" Annie asks slowly.

I shake my head, "she hasn't told me anything."

Annie avoids my eyes and looks out to the empty road, "I think it's better you hear it from her."

"W-what? Just tell me what's going on," I say.

Annie bites her lip, "I-I can't Geo. It''s about her past, the one thing she never tells anyone. "

I sigh, "does she know you're telling me this?"

"No," Annie mumbles. "No, she doesn't."

"Can I ask her about it tomorrow?"

Annie's eyes widen, "no! Whatever you do, don't ask her about it! You just have have to wait until she trusts you enough."

"So what's the point of this if you're not going to tell me?" I say, exasperated.

"One, so I get food. And two, I just wanted you to know she's gonna be upset tomorrow. She's gonna need support, even though you don't know what's going on."


"Just treat it like she's PMSing," Annie laughs.

I grin, "sure, whatever."

We grab some food and I drop Annie back home, I return and climb into my cold, empty bed. I fall into another restless sleep and have another nightmare, but this time it's different. It's not about my mother and sister, it's about Megan.

Sorry babies I know this is a short chapter! But I don't want to have loads of long chapters and only have like 20 chapters in the whole book! Did you enjoy having this chapter from Geo's POV?

What do you think is going on with Megan? And Geo's nightmares about his mother and sister? SO MANY QUESTIONS! But I promise they'll all be answered in time.

But for now, you can leave a comment below and let me know how I'm doing!


Riya X

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