Chapter 7

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Picture: Megan, she looks bomb af here.


The sound of screaming stirs me awake, my forehead becomes clammy and my body begins shaking.
I bolt up, my back crashing against he headboard of my bed. I wince in pain and look around my room, it's already morning, sunlight spilling through the gaps in the curtains.

My breathing slows and my heart rate turns normal, screaming is not something I like to wake up holds too many bad memories.

I slide out of bed and pull on a fluffy dressing gown, deciding whether I should go school today or not.

My phone begins buzzing and Geo's caller ID pops up.

"Hey Meg," he says. "I'm so tired today."

"Same," I reply, mid-yawn. "I don't feel like going into school today."

"Let's have the day off,  huh?" He says, like bunking off school was an everyday thing.

"You sure? I mean, I was just gonna watch Netflix and American Idol re-runs."

Geo laughs from the other end of the phone,"I can do American Idol re-runs."

I giggle, "Starbucks sounds a bit better."

"Okay, meet outside yours in fifteen?" He suggests.

"See ya," I reply, excitement leaping through my veins.


Vanilla and cologne. That's what I smell when I get into Geo's car. The smell is kind of soothing, it reminds me of his hugs.

"Hey," he says as I get in.

"Hey," I close the door and get comfy.

I wait for the car to start moving before I realise Geo watching me, did I do something wrong?

"What's up?" I ask, cautiously.

"Put your seat belt on," he says, like I'm five years old.

"I'm old enough to-"

"Megan, did you know it's illegal to not wear your seatbelt?" His tone is edgy and harsh, I'm guessing there's something other than seatbelts that he's angry about.

"Geo are you okay?" I ask, frowning a little.

"I'm fine, but we're not moving until you put your seatbelt on."

I sigh, why was he acting so childish? We were only driving ten minutes down the road.

A loud click fills the silence and the engine roars underneath me.

"Now we can go," Geo mutters.

I don't reply, too confused to say anything.


The scent of coffee welcomes me into Starbucks, it's fairly quiet- most people either at work or school.

Geo walks over to a small table in the corner and I follow closely.

"I'll go and order, what do you want?" He asks.

"Chocolate marshmallow smore, " I reply, that was my favourite drink.

He grins, "that's my favourite."

"Oh my god, same!" I say, widening my eyes at the coincidence.

I watch him go and order, casually talking to the middle aged barista and my eyes wonder to the other side of the shop.

Somebody is sitting down, slouched against the wall with a newspaper hiding their face. A small, full mug of coffee is steaming on their table untouched. I notice a small brown bag hanging off of the back of their chair, and something about it makes my stomach twist. I've seen it before.

I rummage through thousands of thoughts but can't seem to figure out why I recognise it. One thing I do know is that it's not about good memory.

At that moment, Geo walks over holding two takeaway cups (we both hate drinking out of mugs I guess). At least with him here I feel about bit safer. A bit.

"Careful, that's hot too," Geo says.

"Too?" I ask,warming my hands around the drink.

He smirks as he sits down, "that's not the only thing that's hot around here today."

I laugh at his cheesiness, "Oh please, you're anything but hot."

He pretends to look hurt, "I'm about to burn your face with my drink."

"At least that'll make me hotter than you."

We both start laughing uncontrollably and I can feel the person behind the newspaper glance over. My laugh gets caught in my throat and I feel my body heat up, something wasn't right.

After a few minutes, I ask Geo if we can go back to the car. All of a sudden, the shop begins to feel stuffy and I can't breathe properly. First signs of a panic attack.

Geo notices and puts and hand on my arm as I stand up, "Meg, you okay?"

I shake my head, "we...I need to go."

He doesn't ask any questions, he just grips my hand as we walk out of the shop to his BMW.

It's not until we're sat in the car that he asks what's wrong.

"I don't know..." I begin, my hands shaking.


"Geo I'm so sorry I just-" tears begin trailing down my cheeks and it's not long before I'm a sobbing wreck.

Geo pulls me closer to him and holds me tightly, trying to calm me down.

"It's okay baby, you can cry. Cry all you want," he whispers gently.

And I do. I cry until there are no tears left.

What did you think of the chapter? Did I do good?😊

Qotc: why was Geo so determined to make Megan wear her seatbelt? Any ideas?

Anyway, I want to thank you all because PMC has managed to get to #824 in romance! You do not know how happy that makes me, and I'm so so proud. But I'm couldn't have done it without you guys,I love you all and hope one day we can become #1!

By the way did you see the cheeky title reference? I didn't even realise when I wrote it 😂

Thank you for all you amazing comments aswell!x


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